If it’s a prank, why did Foley resign? Why are some journalists saying there are many more incidents by many others over the years yet to come out? If this was a prank, it was the best of all time because it might bring down the top guy in the House and may swing the upcoming elections which must mean the Democrats did it since Republicans would NEVER do such things (pranks or sexual predatory practices).

Echoing Drudge and Savage, Dobson and Henninger claimed Foley scandal is “sort of a joke” and a “prank[ ]” by pages

Commenting on the congressional page scandal surrounding former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) on the October 6 broadcast of Focus on the Family, James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family, declared that the Foley affair has “turned out to be what some people are now saying was a — sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages” who had reportedly come forward with sexually explicit instant messages that Foley allegedly sent.

An online story on the Drudge Report Thursday claimed one set of the sexually explicit instant messages obtained by ABC News was part of a “prank” on the part of the former page, who reportedly says he goaded the congressman into writing the messages.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, OFTLO

    Great post. Ranks right up there with Awake’s post about Republican sex perverts and predators.

    A tip of the hat.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    And the democrats are quiet because they know they have dirty old men mong their ranks too.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #36 – Thanks

    #37 – Yes, but our dirty old men typically go for aspiring models (Gary Hart) or hair dressers and interns (Clinton) and more often than not, they are old enough to vote.

  4. Mark says:


    agreed, great posts but dont you have a job or something. Damn.

  5. doug says:

    #37. The Democrats are staying quiet?

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #39: He’s probably a wealthy Republican and doesn’t have to work.

  7. Matt says:

    It’s funny how you completely ignore his entire message condeming Foley’s actions and saying that he should resign. Dobson’s discussion of the Foley scandel (if you actually listned to the source) was about how liberals are using this scandal to say that Foley’s actions are representative of all Republicans and trying to smear the whole party for one man’s actions. Did conservatives call for resignation of Dem. party leaders with the Clinton sex scandal? No. Just the man responsible. While Foley’s actions were reprehensible, at least he was willing to step down. How did Dems. respond to Clinton? They created http://www.moveon.org and wanted to let it go. Please at least appear to try to hold people responsible and be consistent across party lines. I have not heard one Republican say Foley should remain in office, all have condemned his behavior.

  8. Higghawker says:

    I intend to vote for the person I think could do the best job of taking care of this country. He may not win, but I will know that I didn’t sell out for the lesser evil. I’m thru with the Dems and Reps.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, agreed, great posts but dont you have a job or something. Damn.
    Comment by Mark — 10/9/2006 @ 4:05 pm

    He’s a Democrat. Didn’t you know that all Democrats live off of the state? Don’t believe me?, just ask R.M.R. In post #2.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Matt.

    There is a couple of BIG differences between what happened to Clinton and what has happened with Foley.

    Clinton had an affair with an adult woman. It was consensual. End of story.

    Foley had improper contact with a minor. After being made aware of it, it was either covered up or ignored by the Republican leadership. The Republican leadership did not inform the House Page Panel or the House Ethics Committee. Two words apply, CONSPIRACY and COVER-UP.

    While it was widely known that Foley was gay, that fact was respected by ALL Congressmen and women as irrelevant to his ability to do his job. Yet it is the Republican stance to denigrate a person solely because of their sexual orientation. What was not generally known is that Foley also liked his sex partners young. How young is not really determined at this time.

    After refusing to end legal discrimination against gays in the military and the strong defense of the Defense of Marriage Act, the Republican position is widely known. On top of that is the local drive to ban same sex marriages in State Constitutions. Are we noticing a pattern yet?

    A new word for you, HYPOCRACY.

    For reference, I suggest you check out post #6, from a previous discussion on the same subject.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #44: Or he could be a closet wealthy Republican so he doesn’t have to work.

  12. Mark says:

    45. Right, when are the apologists gonna see the difference between
    an impropriety and an out and out deviation?


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