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Internet Explorer 7 in toolbar mayhem

I’ve read many articles about Internet Explorer’s 7’s new security features and coupled with the imminent release of Vista this got me interested. I recall seeing a rather funny screenshot (which I found on the internet) which showed Internet Explorer 6 in Windows XP stuffed full of spyware/toolbars/etc.

I wanted to see if IE7 was any better than that screenshot of IE6, how would it cope with a user that simply clicked ‘yes/allow/next/accept’ to everything that was presented to them.

In addition, I wanted to see how the User Account Control reacted to this, and in the end, could I restore IE7 to it’s former glory.

Please remember, this test assumes that the end-user clicks ‘yes/apply/accept/next’ to just about anything, so security or not, how will IE7 cope with a click happy toolbar junkie? The test was carried out on a full install of Windows Vista Ultimate Edition version 5728 (Aero was not enabled) with IE7 as shipped. I used the default user that Vista prompted me to create at the end of the install which according to Users/Groups, is a member of Administrators.

Unless otherwise mentioned, all of the software installed for this test is not considered to be spyware (according to the manufacturers of said software), I’ll leave you to make up your mind about that.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    The IE/Vista version of Super Size Me… 😉

  2. Greymoon says:

    Hmm, Anyone else have trouble looking at that link with firefox? Everything seems “shifted right” with no horizontal scroll bar available, have to wonder what he used to generate the pages. Looks fine in IE6 and 7.. /shrug

    Well back on topic, he clicked agree/yes/install to everything and installed a bunch of toolbars/adware/malware. This was unexpected? He proved that you can override warnings and safeguards in IE7, he also proved that (in this case) the reset function in IE7, well, functioned. Images of Vonage boxes flying around and hitting him in the head came to mind. Mayhem indeed.

  3. tallwookie says:

    lol that pic’s a beaut

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    That screen shot looks a lot like my brother-in-law’s computer when he brought it to me last year. There were a lot of porn and shopping shortcuts on the desk top too.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: Yes, there’s something weird about several of his pages.

  6. mike says:

    My god! I didn’t think Bonzi Buddy was even still alive!!
    Thats seriously uncool!

  7. AB CD says:

    Wow, 6 posts without mentioning … better see how long it goes.

  8. Floyd says:

    2, 5: Seamonkey (the current name of the Mozilla integrated browser/mail reader) behaves the same way as Firefox. Peculiar.

  9. Greymoon says:

    IE 7 Is about as secure as a George Bush thought process. Oh and Chenney is a toolbar, while Rumsfield lies about the reset button out of his ya-hoo. Remember the children (‘cept you Foley) and bless the spinach… errr troops.

  10. Jägermeister says:


    Dubya is like BONZIBuddy… What you see is not what you get…

  11. Greymoon says:

    Sure about that? I see a bumbling dufas who means well but doesnt understand the larger picture, hence the puppet string dance, the same as clinton was, and the same as the next will be.

  12. AB CD says:

    My bad, I was actually referrring to Firefox, and missed the lowercase one in #2.

  13. Tall Johnny Cakes says:

    i like bonzi buddy, he says what you tell him too.

  14. WOW DAVE, very very very good job. You certainly know how to have fun on a rainy day. 🙂


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