Series Producer: Andrew McKinnon
This Episode’s Executive Producers: Howard Johnson, Jason Chomel
Associate Executive Producer: Deborah Hutchinson
Art Director: Paul Couture

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  1. ECA says:

    iTS 158am..
    Iv been watching all day. And you did good keeping it hidden..

  2. TThor says:

    Loved this art. Though it was Paul T – but found it to be Paul C.
    Keep up the good work. We need biting irony! – pun intended….

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Someone’s a furry with a diaper fetish..

  4. Colorado says:

    Go deeper into the show at

    Where it’s really going down.

  5. deowll says:

    You guys help keep me sane, sort off. The nation is turning into some sort of dysfunctional police state run by a bunch of puritanical atheistic. Oh yeah that’s a Nanny State.

    Not to worry Islam will take over and …so that may not be an improvement.

    Get drunk while you still can and get laid.

    Either that or just go to bed. At my age just going to bed seems like the answer.

    Take care and God bless.

  6. angry says:

    Awww look at those those Muppet Babies!

    Someone should tell Dvorak and the wolf to beware of the blonde VJ beast from MTV…

  7. angry says:

    WTF is Craig Kilborn doing in a diaper with JCD?

  8. B. Dog says:

    Adam and John did a great job of debunking the H1N1 menace. Other people are finally waking up to the scam. It looks like they deserve a pat on the back.


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