Every night, at the end of his show on CNN, Lou Dobbs shows the results of his latest absolutely-unscientific poll. It’s the viewers of the show having their say on one of the themes of that day’s program.

Today’s poll was about Congress, the White House, your state government, the whole ball of wax.

Think it’s accurate?

  1. James Hill says:

    Yes: Only 4,267 people watch CNN.

  2. Mark says:

    Republican response doesnt surprise me. Democratic response does, seems high. Sad statement, but true I believe. I think dissatisfied citizens are gravitating towards Lou because he is at least talking about the more disturbing issues we face i.e. North American Union / Nafta Superhighway. He should be applauded.

  3. joshua says:

    Considering it’s CNN firstly and Lou Dobbs show secondly…..I would say it’s actually surprising. I would have expected the Democratic share to be larger.

    I think all the polls are close to the truth when they ask about both parties or congress in general and people are overwhelmingly hostile to both.

    Congress hasn’t had favorable poll results for many, many years. Even the sheep realize that it’s completely dysfunctional. I really believe that congress has to reform, shorter sessions and low pay, no perks other than a free shower and coffee. All the trappings of Imperial Legislaters have to be taken away. Unfortunatly this can only be done by congress or revolution.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Average it out with a FOX News poll and you may have something. Really most American viewers are watching reruns and not a cable news program. Probably a small minority of their viewers are pathetic enough to spend time replying at a website. Uh, wait a minute…. 🙂

  5. Jägermeister says:


    I think dissatisfied citizens are gravitating towards Lou because he is at least talking about the more disturbing issues we face i.e. North American Union / Nafta Superhighway. He should be applauded.

    Yeah, global warming, the war in Iraq and a tricky administration with a hidden agenda is less important… Lou, you da man… you da man!

  6. xully says:

    Taxation without representation redux.

  7. doug says:

    Supposing there was an actual scientific poll along these lines. Who would that 74% see as representing their interests, given their druthers?

  8. Frank Nye says:

    Yes, I believe that the state is controlled by the interests of the corporate class. The government does not do what is necessarily best for working people be they software developer or assembly line workers.

    It really is all about class (money). Corporations control vast amounts of money in this country. (and most of the world.) and corporation directors do what is best for the corporation (i.e. themselves). They write legislation for control of copyright which maintains an income stream for the corporation.

    By controlling copyright, they are doing what is best for the corporation but not what is best for human society.

  9. bill says:

    I used to be a republican… Now I don’t know who or what to believe. Maybe I’ll start a new religion and a political party on my own. Anyone want to join me?

    I do think that we should walk on Iraq. Call it anything you want. Let them have their ‘civil war’. We did and we’re still standing.

    Let the Iranian dudes have their fun with their nukes… let them find out about the resposibilities of those nukes… like what will happen to them if they screw up.

    Let’s also et some kind of non-performance or no-confidence clause on congress.. like after 6 months we give them their ‘report card’ if they can’t get along and get something done or they are just a big bickering pain in the ass, they all have to resign and we start again…

  10. kballweg says:

    Ah yes, term limits in a the form of a vote of no confidence.

    Imagine how American Pols would handle that.

  11. Timbo says:

    The survey is correct for those who would watch that CNN tripe. The poll would be different if it were given to Hustler readership — but it would reflect their readership.

    What the poll does show is that the Democrats need to worry. Their viewers aren’t showing the avid dedication you see with Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.

    Recently the Democrats have tried to get as confrontational as O’Reilly, but that’s not the draw card. Belligerance only works if you really earnest about a good message. All they have is a double negative message — “we are for whatever they are against.”

    They can’t do any better. Nihilism is their foundational philosophy.

  12. Shane says:

    I’ll join Bill. Good ideas. But I have to be god of the religion.


  13. AB CD says:

    For Lou Dobbs I think the issues are against free trade, so that throws out the Republicans, and against illegal immigration, so that throws out the Democrats.

  14. Tom says:

    Seems accurate to me. Congress is held in lower esteem than used car salesmen… I have absolutely no faith in either party.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    What the poll does show is that the Democrats need to worry. Their viewers aren’t showing the avid dedication you see with Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.

    Thank heaven for that. What you call avid dedication, normal people see as rabid obedience. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of both.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is a biased poll and only indicative of Dobb’s viewer’s opinions. That opinion though is largely shaped by Dobb’s himself and the spillover viewers from other CNN shows.

  17. TJGeezer says:

    Congress is too busy giving corporations and government enforcement bureaucrats what they want to represent anything else, such as the interests of the people. I’m surprised the major parties got as many votes as they did. Congress hasn’t done anything in years to demonstrate they give a damn about the Constitution, American liberty or responsible government. But what’s changed? People are simply more aware of how it really works, or rather doesn’t work. Probably because of the Internet.

    Aside from no longer giving a damn about being caught in corruption, not that much is different.

    “After two years in Washington, I often long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood.”
    – Fred Thompson, US senator, lawyer, writer, and actor (1942-?)

  18. faustus says:

    both parties are rotten to the core… what don’t you all get about that… seems most americans get it… finally… NADER IN 08!!!!!

  19. JB says:

    Fox is barely 1/2 step behind CNN these days. For liberals to claim Fox is some sort of conservative channel is ludicrous. As a true conservative, I can’t stand any of the cable channels. They are indistinguishable from one another and i no longer watch any of them. Not one of them actually discusses any of the important issues facing America. They just recite talking points.

  20. Timbo says:

    Unfortunately, JB is right. The high priced news media have been influenced by those who have the money. In this case, though, it is the organization that can create infinite Dollars and, secondarily, the super-wealthy who make sure they stay anonymous.

    Good thing we have the internet; we can go out to New Delhi News, Al-Jazeera, The Straits Times, etc. to get a feel for what the American media isn’t telling us. Not to say the other foreign news media don’t have their own biases and lies…

    Unfortunately, if the story they break is REALLY politically incorrect on the American scene, they can be forced to drop the story. When I see one of these hot stories, I save it to my harddrive, just in case.

  21. Curmudgen says:


    No No No, Mr Fusion, He Da Man!

  22. Frank IBC says:

    Kballweg –

    I think having “no confidence” votes followed by early elections would be a great idea. It would be a big improvement over impeachment – “at will” vs. “for cause”, and it would replace the entire government, not just the President. The last four decades of American history might have been very different had we had this system.

  23. joshua says:

    ahhhhhhhhhh….the Parlimentry goverment system. How many times has that been brought up and usually rejected. Whats funny, is that there is now talk in England of having fixed terms for Prime Minister, like the U.S. President.

    But as a very disilussioned Conservative….I would love to see no confidence votes and snap elections.

  24. bill says:

    How about both? fixed term limits (once or twice) and a confidence/performance vote… after 6 months.

    The idea is, congress is there to serve the people, it’s not a lifelong job.

  25. Frank IBC says:

    I don’t see what’s so great about the American notion of “separation of powers”, anyway. To me, it seems like all it means is that neither side is accountable for their screw-ups.

  26. BgScryAnml says:

    How many time did “Uncle Dave” vote in this poll.

  27. tallwookie says:

    none of the above apply

  28. jccalhoun says:

    Hey, I voted for the straight, white, male, Yale-educated, millionaire that supported the war in Iraq, so don’t blame me!

  29. joshua says:

    Since Congress has to vote for by a 2/3 majority on any changes to the Consitution, we aren’t going to see anything different in our lifetimes folks.

    I can’t remember who it was, but just recently I saw someone who actually knew what they were talking about suggest that Congress go back to 6 months or less a year in session. Congress was meant to be a citizen goverment(not the Senate), but somewhere along the line it ended up being what we have now.

    And banning lawyers from running would be a great help.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – Recently the Democrats have tried to get as confrontational as O’Reilly, but that’s not the draw card. Belligerance only works if you really earnest about a good message. All they have is a double negative message — “we are for whatever they are against.”

    They can’t do any better. Nihilism is their foundational philosophy.

    Comment by Timbo — 10/6/2006 @ 5:16 pm

    If you are implying that the right wing mouth pieces have a good message, you are simply wrong. If you are saying the Democrats have no message, you are lying now as the right wing has been lying about this for years…

    The Democrats do have plans and ideas and they are being delivered, but they are getting drowned out by the Republican sound machine.

    You know, no one is as good at lying, cheating, stealing, and stonewalling as the Republicans in the last 40 years. Its time for this party’s mask to be ripped off and for people to finally realize that these guys are not the answer to any problem facing our nation.


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