Legislator Proposes Having Teachers Carry Guns

After the deadly school shootings in Colorado, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, one legislator has proposed a plan that would actually put more guns in schools.

Wisconsin state Rep. Frank Lasee, R-Green Bay, said he would introduce a measure in the state legislature early next year that would give teachers and other school employees the option of carrying concealed guns after they have received extensive weapons training.

“I want to end the turkey shoots that go on in our schools,” said Lasee, who represents constituents in suburban Green Bay, where a school shooting plot was recently foiled.

“I don’t suggest [arming teachers] is the only answer or the silver bullet to solve all our school violence problems,” Lasee said. “But it’s part of the puzzle of making our schools a safer place for our children.”
“These high school students are bigger than they’ve ever been,” he said. “We’ve seen them take guns from police officers who are trained in how to retain that weapon.”


  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 Seriously instead of elections we should randomly select people to serve congress every year. Could it be any worse?

    Comment by David — 10/6/2006 @ 8:17 am

    Do I get the congressional salary? Yes? Then I’m in…

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    #31: Why not go all the way and RFID the bullets?

  3. doug says:

    if an armed society is a polite society, Iraq and Somalia would make Ms. Manners’ Hall of Fame.

  4. James Hill says:

    Dave, I say having teachers hovering above their students in a deer stand, covered in doe urine, would be quite entertaining.

  5. joshua says:

    #29….John Paradox…..Az. is a public carry state. And it has a concealed weapons law….you must have a permit, but the police are required to give ANYONE who legally purchased a gun the permit(with some minimal training).
    There are a few places where carrying your gun is not permitted. Banks, grocery stores with banks, goverment offices, visiting jails or prisons, and a few others. Bars are not a no-go place, unless the bar posts it publically that firearms must be checked in at the door or not brought on the premisis. A mate of mine from Scotland came to visit me at our ranch, and he went to the grocery store with me and noticed the sign saying that all *firearms must be checked in at the curtesay desk*…he thought it was a joke and mentioned it to me and I said …*oh yeah, this store has a bank in it*…he just freaked.
    You may walk down the street with your gun in a visable holster, and bullets showing, you can go the Library wearing your gun, or a Park or most other public places, as long as your gun is plain public view. Or, you have a CCW permit. It’s not uncommon(though not as prevalent as say 10 years ago) to see someone walking down a street wearing a gun in a holster and double bandalero’s.

    As to teachers carrying guns….please…..thats just dumb. For one thing, it reminds me of Doctor assisted suicide, Doctors are supposed to care for the sick and injured, not kill them and teachers are supposed to educate kids not kill them.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    What if this policy had been in place at Columbine? Think the death count would have been lower? A school shooting the next year in Tennessee was stopped by a student bringing his own gun in(he was a local cop too), but the gun crazies at the AP left out that detail.
    Comment by Ab Cd — 10/6/2006 @ 9:13 am

    Is this what Limbaugh is telling people now?

    Got a link?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    The idea of giving teachers guns might have some good thought to it.

    While we are at it, we should give an automatic rifle to every man in Iraq and a pistol to every woman. Every head of household with more then 10 people under the one roof should qualify for a RPG launcher. Ammo should also be ample. If this doesn’t slow down the suicide bombers then I don’t know what would.

    An armed society is a polite society.

  8. doug says:

    #38. I would guess that one pistol, one rifle and one RPG per household in Iraq would require that we actually take away a lot of weapons.

    But I am sure it is in line with the NRA’s Minimum Household Requirements.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, doug,

    I highly respect your opinions, however in this case I do think you might have your numbers a bit confused. The auto rifle, pistol, and RPG launcher is what the NRA recommends for the co-ed living away from home in a dorm setting.

    For a family of four, it is something like a minimum of:
    one 50 cal Barret with 50 round magazine and 10 X scope,
    four .223 Bushmasters (or equivalent) with at least three 30 round or better magazines each,
    four MAC 10s (or equivalent) with three 30 round or better magazines each,
    six 9mm parabellum sidearms, with two magazines each,
    2 anti tank mines,
    10 anti personal mines,
    1 stinger missle.
    one gross of MREs,

    RPGs are optional

  10. AB CD says:

    Keeping guns out of school won’t help as it will just cause the “nutjobs” to use a different method like pipe bombs or poison in the school cafeteria food. It wont change the fact that sick people who want to kill are going to find a way to do it.

  11. AB CD says:

    Good call, Fusion. I remembered it wrong again. It was Virginia, not Tennessee, and in 2002.

    From http://timlambert.org/guns/appalachian/nd/tackle/after18/byline/004.html

    Chris Kahn
    The Associated Press

    The former Marine and police officer was among several students who tackled former classmate Peter Odighizuwa on the school’s front lawn


    Goldberg relates that, “The bloody incident happened on January 16, 2002, and was picked up by news organizations all over the country, almost all of which covered the story the way the Washington Post and the networks did. Which means virtually all of them left out one tiny, little fact. Two of the three students who ‘pounced on’ and ‘tackled’ and ‘overpowered’ the gunman, also had guns.” Clearly, Mr. Goldberg was being sarcastic, and justifiably so.

  12. J says:

    #41 ABCD

    Do you realize that the spin you put on my statement doesn’t even make sense.

    If you put guns in school it increases the chances of someone getting shot and has no effect on those determined to kill. Where as if you keep them out you reduce the chances that someone accidentally getting shot and has no effect on those determined to kill.

    To summarize my statement…. Putting guns in schools does NOTHING but INCREASE the chances of someone getting killed. Determined people always fined a way.

  13. doug says:

    #40. Ah, serves me right for *ahem* shooting my mouth off without consulting the guidelines.

    I also have mislaid my equivalency tables and for the life of me cannot figure how much of MHAR (minimum household arsenal requirement) credit I get for my twin .50 cal EGGs.

  14. Les Hildenbrandt says:

    Actualy the law in effect in Iraq allows one AK47 and ten rounds of ammo for each family.


  15. Richard says:

    I can hardly wait for the story about little Suzie being shot between the eyes, because her mom packed a steak knife in her lunch. As most of us know, there is zero tolerance for such things.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    AB CD, sorry but I’m calling bull crap on this one.

    According to your links, the tacklers carrying guns tackled him. Any cop knows you don’t tackle a guy with a gun if you can help it, there are just too many things that can go wrong. If you have a gun, you use it when the other guy also has one. You don’t give him more opportunity to use his weapon.

    No other organization picked it up except for a right wing conspiracy screamer. Sounds more to me like the rest of the world got it right and the conspiracy screamer got it wrong. Just because a favorite conspiracy screamer publishes it doesn’t mean it is true.

    Also this is a College, not a High School. Big difference in the maturity of the students Yet I somehow doubt that the College willingly allows weapons to be carried on campus. Most normal people are well aware that classes and guns do not mix.

    Good try though, you are getting better.

  17. AB CD says:

    Your own response shows that the newspapers got it wrong. Cops don’t tackle people with guns, so it was something other than tackling that stopped this. Either it was their having guns themselves, or talking him down, or both.

  18. Andrew says:

    Only in America huh? Where else would the answer to too many guns in schools, be more guns in schools?

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #48, AB CD, you don’t get it. If a cop saw someone with a gun and knew he had used that gun to shoot another person, the cop would not say “put down the gun, please sir”. He would have shot the suspect as quickly as he could! That is how every cop is trained, minimize the options, minimize the opportunities. In this case, the ONLY course would have been to shoot the guy. Because they didn’t, it could only have been that the cop didn’t have a weapon.

    Now how does that response show the other news sources got it wrong? In order for your version to be correct, the rest of the world is wrong, the cop didn’t follow his training, the other armed citizen was carrying a gun on school property (almost certainly against any sane policy), and the other citizen was too stunned to use his weapon the only time in his life when he could have used it according to the NRA’s talking points.

    Bullcrap version from a conspiracy screaming, right wing, out of touch with reality, excuse for a news source.

  20. no-one says:

    (Please note the HEAVY sarcasm)
    Ahh yes, ban guns,… that worked So well for Wash.D.C. (Highest crime rate in the country),
    and while we’re at it, I suggest banning pot and other drugs (grandma arrested carrying meth. from Mexico), and ,
    Hey!, maybe we could ban drunk drivers (you all know the stats. in your state/county), and
    Look!, banning terriorist is such a COMPLETE success (children on no-fly lists, 20 YEARS of bombing in Britian[IRA]), and
    we ALL know how well banning alcohol actually worked.
    I could go on, but why bother…

  21. AB CD says:

    I don’t know about cop training, but from what I’ve seen they try to avoid shooting people. Your example only works if the guy was actively shooting at the time.

    A blogger who’s been criticizing John Lott says the gun exists, and that the reporters just didn’t know at first. From Rex Bowman the 2nd day: ‘Odighizuwa, who was wrestled to the ground by fellow students, one of whom aimed his own revolver at Odighizuwa,’

    It doesn’t require a big conspiracy. Almost all of these articles are based on the AP wire.

  22. Brandon Michaels says:

    WOW! HE’s a GENIUS! To keep guns out of the classroom, we should put guns IN the classroom!

  23. chris raulin says:

    Yea, he is a genius. I would like any one of you to tell me that you would go into shoot them up mode when you dont know how many people have the ability to shoot back. Its not like these teachers wouldnt know how to use a gun. they would be trained.

    Also, if your reason to attack this proposal is “What happens if some teacher goes psycho and starts killing people all over” than you must think. What stops a teacher from getting a gun and deciding its time to go psycho even though theyre not legally allowed to have the gun in school. If they feel like going on a gun rampage, than the las against having the gun is nothing compared to the law against using it to kill random people.

    Therefore, if you are against this, you better have a good reason and i would like you to email it to me so I can find out your opinion. I may use it in a speech about this subject in front of high school students.


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