Accident or on purpose? You be the judge. You have to stop the vid on the first few frames to see it.

  1. Roc Rizzo says:

    Would you expect any less from Faux News?

  2. Bryan says:

    Their views are about as ballanced as my checkbook LOL — Yes this is coming from the Conservative. I hate that channel

    Glenn Beck is soo much better — AWWWWWWW YEA

  3. curmudgen says:

    In my misspent youth we had an expression “Your Fuckin A”.
    Now I know the “A” stands for “accident”. Yeah!!!

  4. Mark says:

    I’m not getting audio on that clip, is anybody else having trouble?

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    There is no audio. It was the image that was important.

  6. Tom says:

    OK, I see it, I think it was a “honest” mistake from the no-spinmeister Bill O’ lie ly.

  7. Tom says:

    Yes i love it so, they keep burying themselves deeper and deeper. Stick a fork in the republicans, they are done.

  8. Mark says:

    Its funny, yesterday I saw a clip on Youtube with Foley and the guy from Americas Most wanted, John Walsh I believe, he was touting his bill to (correct me if I am wrong) crack down on the perverts who prey on kids on the internet. Basically saying they should be locked away for life and, we need to get tough and etc, etc. It was a very interesting video.

    Today, it has been yanked off Youtube.

    Anyway, they forgot to pull this one, great fun!!


  9. John says:

    Just another reason to add to the list of why I remove the channel from my channel list, I only wish I could stop my provider from giving it to me in my package, for as long as they do I am sure part of my biill, no matetr how small is going to support this propaganda and mis-information…. channel

  10. John Paradox says:

    Just another reason to add to the list of why I remove the channel from my channel list,

    I wish I had a way to put it where it belongs in the listings:
    between Comedy Central and Adult Swim.


  11. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Faux News

    Touché! 😀

  12. gquaglia says:

    Just like the liberal press try and label Liberman a Republican. I’ve also heard Republican Rudy Giuliani being labeled a left winger by those who don’t agree with his politics. Its not just Fox doing this Uncle Dave.

  13. doug says:

    #12. pray tell, what news station put “Lieberman (R-Conn)” under his picture? It is fair game to say that someone is a left-winger or wannabe Republican, it is deceptive to actually claim that person holds a party allegiance that he or she does not.

  14. John says:


  15. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: I think the upcoming elections will do that for you.


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