Crazy Weatherman Videos

I’m not sure about the back story of this video. But it’s unique. According to the poster, the weatherman has Touretts syndrome. I’ve always wondered what a Touretts syndrom sufferer says if they actually do not know any cuss words.

Mark Mathis in Charlotte is perhaps the wildest weatherman in the country. Someone has collected these clips of the guy.

This ridiculous character is Justin Mosley of Sarasota, Fl. Apparently he’s very afraid of cockraoches.

Disturbing video of the week: Civilian truck drivers attacked in Iraq, but their US Army escort leaves them to die!

Curious Cat Repeatedly Flushing ToiletYou can either let your cats figure this out for themselves or pay money to people who will show you how to show them. Either way, they know… they know.

Related Link: Click Here Only If You Want To Pay To See Your Cat Flush

Let this be a lesson to you. Just because your cat doesn’t flush doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how. It means she likes having you change her cat box just fine.

Ensuring World Peace Through Male Restroom Etiquette

A much needed, eye-opening tutorial (using The SIMS) to create a safer, more respectable world.For more works by these guys, you can go HERE.

Born with No Arms, He Plays Guitar. So What Do You Assume You Can’t Do? VideoHe is Mark Goffeney.

Fatboy Slim – The Joker — CAT VIDEO! ACK!

Giant Girl Puppet Takes a WalkAnybody else find this just a tad creepy?

I consider this video as obvious evidence of the “end times!” Ack.

Star Trek In (Monty Python’s) Camelot

German Bush Pilot VideoThese days, you can even find good German humor on the internet! (I joke! I joke!)

Pimping Your Car 101 — Out: Spinner Wheels, In: Spinner Doors

Jet Overruns Runway and Crashes Into Bay — Then Things Turn Bad

Click on picture to watch video

I think the pilot might have gotten in a little trouble over this.

The pilot performed “a low pass” over the runway, and then touched down approximately 1,000 feet beyond the approach end of the 2,948-foot long runway, with a tailwind of approximately 10 knots. After touchdown, the airplane continued off the end of the runway, and subsequently impacted water. According to the Cessna 525A Landing Distance Chart, an airplane with a landing weight of 11,400 pounds required 3,000 feet of landing distance, in a no wind situation. With a 10 knot tailwind, the airplane required 3,570 feet of landing distance. The published airport diagram for the airport, was observed attached to the pilot’s control column after the accident. A notation, which read, “airport closed to jet aircraft” was observed on the diagram. Additionally, the same notation, “Arpt CLOSED to jet traffic,” was observed in the FAA Airport/Facility Directory. Examination of the airplane revealed no mechanical deficiencies.

1000 Virtual Cars Racing

Click on picture for video

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