I’m not sure about the back story of this video. But it’s unique. According to the poster, the weatherman has Touretts syndrome. I’ve always wondered what a Touretts syndrom sufferer says if they actually do not know any cuss words.

Mark Mathis in Charlotte is perhaps the wildest weatherman in the country. Someone has collected these clips of the guy.

This ridiculous character is Justin Mosley of Sarasota, Fl. Apparently he’s very afraid of cockraoches.

  1. Higghawker says:

    The Mathis character is a hoot!

  2. SN says:

    The Weather Channel has GOT to hire Mark Mathis! Compared to the boring ass people they have now, this guy’s ratings would kick ass!

  3. RTaylor says:

    How does someone with Touretts gets an on air position? I know it can be controlled with meds, but still. All the power to him, but I would think the stations attorneys would go ballistic over possible FCC fines.

  4. John says:

    This mathis guy reminds us all of why there is still a need for ritalin in this country. Funny dude!!!

  5. Ryan says:

    I really miss Mark. He was the only reason to watch the news on that channel. Those clips are actually some of the calmer ones. He was quite hillarious. I cannot remember wheter he was fired or quit, but I know that he went for alcolhol treatment. A few months later, I was flippping through channels and he was doing local car sales infomercials.

  6. The ball-less wonders who manage programming in this country don’t have what it takes to hire a guy like Mathis despite the fact that he would drive ratings. Pathetic.

  7. Matthew says:

    What do you after swearing about whore mothers on air? You Smile!

    Your tourettes weather guy video is missing about two seconds of the best smile you you have ever seen; and it is what makes that video so funny. http://youtube.com/watch?v=BUWRmieLHp4

    also be sure to check out the videos on this site… some are funny.

  8. I suspect that the Americans with Disabilities Act protects that guy from the FCC. I’d watch!!!

  9. KB says:

    “This ridiculous character is Justin Mosley of Sarasota, Fl. Apparently he’s very afraid of cockraoches.”

    You need to live in Sarasota to appreciate the video….

  10. RBG says:

    I have to believe the weather dude has Touretts because that is what’s written above (and makes for a far better story). But a little part of me also thinks that the fellow mistakenly thought for a moment he was pre-taping his weather bumper and did it purposefully. That kind of behavior is literally second-nature for reporters and such trying to nail down a good take.


  11. Herbie says:

    As for the Channel 2 (33) guy with possible Touretts — his name is Matt DiNardo, and this clip is from WKTV, in Utica, NY. See http://www.wktv.com.

    Matt left this station several years ago, so this is an older clip (current weather staff listed at http://www.wktv.com/about/bios/). In all his years at WKTV, I never saw any sign of Touretts when he did the weather; so I’m inclined to agree with the “second thoughts” comments by RBG in #10.

    As for the clip — I never saw it before — it’s quite humorous!


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