Does this surprise anyone?

A Congressional report due out today is expected to show now-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his associates had far more extensive contacts with the White House than President Bush’s staff ever acknowledged.

The report from the Republican-led House Government Affairs Committee will state that Abramoff had as many as 450 contacts with the White House, and prime among his lobbying targets was former White House political director Ken Mehlman, and Bush’s adviser Karl Rove.

The investigation is based on a detailed examination of the billing records and the e-mails the committee received from Abramoff and his associates, which indicated far more extensive contacts than investigators were led to believe in the past between the lobbyist and both the White House and the Republican National Committee.

After Abramoff pled guilty to illegal lobbying, officials at the White House said they barely new him and all they knew was what they read in the papers.

The Dems are just as bad about money influence, but at least when Clinton did anything of this nature the GOP was all over him. Bush has put a price tag on everything he can use up or give away, and nobody is raising any major fuss since they’re afraid of being called a traitor for pointing out the emperor wears no clothes.

  1. Noam Sane says:

    CNN Poll 9/22-24/06
    1,009 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

    “We’d like to get your overall opinion of some people in the news. As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of these people — or if you have never heard of them.”

    Bill Clinton:

    Favorable 60%
    Unfavorable 37%
    Unsure 3%

    George W. Bush:

    Favorable 42%
    Unfavorable 55%
    Unsure 3%

  2. DallasTexas says:

    Glad you are pointing this out. It is extremely disappointing, if not down right frightening that Americans are apathetic to what is going on with the Bush regime.

    The combination of general apathy + fear mongering + GOP diehards + christian extremists is a formidable force against affecting change and accountability from this administration.

    If you have any good ideas, please pass it on – before the Bush Mafia shuts you down.

  3. JJ4 says:

    If you want to really know what these guys stand for don’t forget that Abromoff was hired by the SAIPAN SLAVESHOP industry to protect it. US tax money supports an island of evil with slave labor from mainland China and forced prostitution. Abromoff and Tom Delay were paid off by Saipan to run a protection racket in US congress.

    Don’t just sit on your hands about Abromoff and his evil agenda. Ask your congressman to support legistlation to END the slavery in Saipan.

    P.S. I live in Saipan. I know what I am talking about.

  4. glenn says:

    Remember he’s a sleaze ball claiming access to sleaze balls when he bills those wishing to legally bribe oficials for those 450 contacts he claims to have made. Not much reason to believe he didn’t send out a few (or lots of) false bills, given his mentality.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    As long as Britney Spears keeps spitting babies, your fellow citizens won’t give a damn.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    5 As long as Britney Spears keeps spitting babies, your fellow citizens won’t give a damn.

    Yes, it is nice of her to help fill the void in their lives, until the new seaon of Idol starts in January. 🙂

  7. James Hill says:

    Smartalix, are you mad about the corruption, or just about the left’s inability to leverage it?

  8. Tom says:

    Don’t worry I am sure they will pass a law soon legalizing widespread corruption, probably soon making it a requirment to run for public office.

  9. Mr. Neocon Fusion says:

    (comment deleted)

  10. Mr. Neocon Fusion says:

    I am quite sure that there are more then the 450 meetings. It appears they used electronic contact and not direct contact.

  11. AB CD says:

    James, we’ll know depending on whether they also mention the transcript of Jack Murtha’s ABSCAM tape which was just released.

  12. Smartalix says:


    I mentioned the Dems getting crap for their corruption to point out the myopia of the right about their own actions. the supposed party of small government and responsible spending is beggaring this nation while selling off everything they can get their hands on.

    James, are you upset with this situation, or just pissed that the administration got caught?

  13. joshua says:

    Glad you mentioned both parties Smartalix……neither of the major parties nor there last 2 Presidents are clean in any way. Oh maybe it couldn’t be proved what the Clintons did in office(Arkansas and Washington) and it probably will never be proved that Bush actually did anything illegal either, the fact remains that all of them are guilty of crimes against the body politic and the moral sensibilities of the country.

    It’s time for the proverbial *tree of liberty* to have it’s roots replenished by the blood of revolution once again.
    Problem is, the revolution would have to come during the summer hiatus of American Idol and Dancing with the Stars.

  14. joshua says:

    Laughing to myself here…..considering some of the things Mr. Fusion has said to or called some people in here that were never *deleted*…..I’m now very curious as to what he said that got his comment deleted….lmao

  15. Smartalix says:

    I police my own posts, Joshua. I don’t let insults come from either side, it detracts from the debate. If I policed them all, I’d never have time to do any work.



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