If you’re going to have prostitution, you should take care of the workers. Aside from the morality of the act, to allow the status quo in the sex industry to continue merely perpetuates the opression of the workers.

Tapping his fingers on a biometric keypad, George Vos opens the door to his workplace, ushering his visitors up the stairs into a darkened room of scarlet bedding and golden-embroidered cushions, of multi-coloured sex toys and, in the corner, a large, black cage.

It is far from an ordinary office, but Mr Vos is no ordinary man. A one-time transvestite prostitute turned entrepreneur, he is now the manager of Villa Tinto, the designer-finished, state of the art, super-brothel in the centre of Antwerp’s red-light district intended to revolutionise the image of prostitution in Belgium.

Opposite the brothel entrance, in the Schipperskwartier dock area is a police station. Each room in the brothel has panic buttons in case clients turn violent. A doctor is just around the corner and, because of the biometric keypad, there is no sub-letting of any of the 51 rooms to unauthorised prostitutes.

No one here is a victim of people-traffickers and only women with EU passports can work from Villa Tinto.

The only question is, will flesh prostitution continue (at least in the industrialized nations) once Virtual Reality or robots get good enough to fool the user?

  1. Billabong says:

    Yes V.R. sex will take over from sex because it’s cleaner,faster,less expensive and more fun.But it is a hundred years in the future.

  2. Improbus says:

    Billabong, progress is exponential not linear. Just check out what Ray Kurzweil has to say on the subject.

  3. Mike says:

    Yeah, why bother interacting with real people when you can hide away in your apartment with a computer generated woman.

  4. Improbus says:

    Women have one thing men want. Frankly, I don’t think it is worth the price they are asking.

  5. Simpleton says:

    We already have this — it’s called “porn”. However, sexbots are inevitable. Still, I’d prefer a real person. To paraphrase, the Great Carlin said, “Selling is legal, sex is legal, why isn’t selling sex legal?”

    Some women (and men) have little to offer the world other than their bodies in the form of labor. Mental tasks are out of the question for these people. Then, some of them love sex, or don’t want to do heavy manual labor.

    If people are forced into being sex workers, than prosecute (heck, just kill) the people imposing the force.

    If people choose to be sex workers, more power to them!

    … oh yeah, and Maria – the ‘bot above – isn’t my type. She looks like she has sharp edges, and would be too greasy to hold on to. 🙂

  6. 0113addiv says:

    4. Improbus, if pussy were free, men would be free. World peace would be realized. Women are holding back progress. Women create the wars. And for what? Because that is the price they put on the Pandoras box that only women have been gifted with. In all truth, WOMEN HOLD THE MONOPOLY ON PUSSY. When there is a monopoly you know what happens: a fucked up society driven by the desire to acquire the prize.

  7. James Hill says:

    By definition, an empowered prostitute would not be a prostitute.

  8. lou says:

    1. A the “Dvorak – SmartAlix Test” replaces the “Turing Test”. Trademark the term now!

    2. Obviously, flesh prostitution will end! But then again, so will humanity, as it exists today. If a robot/android can fool a real human when it comes to the full experience of human sexuality, then androids taking over other human activities will come soon, or will already have happened. And since the machines will not be constrained by ‘evolution’, they would probably surpass us physically and mentally in the near time frame.

    3. I am looking forward to new season of Battlestar Gallactica.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    On what page of the DSM-IV will I find your picture?

  10. 0113addiv says:


    On page36DD.

  11. lol says:

    lol #7, too true, too true

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The existence – and acceptance – of the Sony Aibo tells me that a relatively crude commercial robot that can be sexually serviced by a human is only a few years away; human nature tells me that there will be takers.
    After the novelty wears off, it’ll become just another kink for a minority. Many (15? 30?) years later, as true androids come into existence, I suspect it will grow into a major global religious / moral crisis.

    Of course, on the other hand, maybe not.

  13. 0113addiv says:

    #7, the most beautful woman in the history of mankind was a prostitute. No wonder, Jesus Christ picked her to be his wife. Only a prostitute was empowered enough to match the likeness of GOD.


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