Federal Reserve Releases Propaganda Video to Explains What it Does to Kids
By Jacob Galt Thursday March 4, 2010
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Hey, not bad for a production budget in the middle five figures!
All I took from this is that everyone involved with the Fed wears a toupee.
So what exactly does the Federal Reserve do to kids?
Better than a damn Powerpoint presentation. God I hate that software.
This is not targeted at kids but rather the moron adults of which 80% don’t know the three branches of government – much less what “the Fed” does.
How is this propaganda? Seemed pretty factual and straightforward to me.
So anything that doesn’t villify something you don’t like is propaganda now?
I’ve sent this to Maxine Waters…
#6: propaganda – ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect.
I think this video qualifies as propaganda, considering what the true nature and purpose of the Federal Reserve is.
Of the 7 governors, only 5 positions are currently filled. That means they have just as many votes as the 4 + 1 from the regional branches of the fed? As I understand it, these are not chosen by any form of government, but are instead put there by the owners of the various banks.
Now these two vacancies have been there for a while. Looking at this timeline it seems like most of the times in recent times there have been around 2 vacancies: http://www.federalreserve.gov/bios/boardmembership.htm . And now there will be http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Donald-Kohn-resigns-from-cnnm-318543000.html?x=0&.v=3" rel="nofollow">one more to fill.
The question is not so much who Obama will appoint as why Obama effectively lets the private owners of the federal reserve branches have a much greater say comparatively than what they according to their own rules would have.
Please correct me if there is something wrong in my numbers.
The Fed’s purpose it to prop-up the stock market. No more and no less.
This presentation was originally created by Bernanke for Obama, Pelosi, and Reid but it leaked to the Interwebitubes.
What is amazing is that the video claims the Fed appointees are brilliant manipulators of the economy, and yet they didn’t predict or control two massive bubbles that occured over ten years.
And they, the Fed, are currently running the show on the world’s historically largest known bubble, the Government Spending Bubble. A bubble, I predict, that will be more than thirty times the size of the Dot Com and Housing bubbles combined.
The Fed is full of pompus morons.
The video does outline many of the things that the Fed was set up to do – so it is at the very least ‘mostly factual’. They fail to mention however, the way in which elite top banksters game the system from the top down for their own schemes… which proves to be bad for most Americans in many instances, but very good for them and their buddies typically in finance and government. Whomever prints the money for a nation ultimately controls the nation – votes be damned. That’s just my take on it anyways..
Based on the history list of the federal reserve board of governors, I found the following amount of board members since the year 2000. There may be errors in the number, so please go check for yourself:
->2000: 5
2001-12-07: 7
2001-12-31: 6
2002-01-31: 5
2002-08-05: 7
2005-06-21: 6
2005-08-31: 5
2006-01-31: 4
2006-02-01: 5
2006-02-24: 6
2006-03-01: 7
2006-04-28: 6
2006-06-30: 5
2006-09-05: 6
2007-03-30: 5
2008-08-05: 6
2008-08-31: 5
2009-01-21: 4
2009-01-28: 5
If there are 5 members, they would have just as many votes as the private banks who own the fed. If there are 4, I believe it means that the district federal reserves actually have more voting power. Please, prove me wrong!
Something about jobs in these figures. Why doesn’t the far east, China and such have their own branch also. They have all the jobs that need protection.
Stiglitz: Federal Reserve System Is Corrupt
is a recent headline off google news.
# 10 johanneswilm:
“Of the 7 governors, only 5 positions are currently filled.”
Have any been nominated and awaiting Senate action?