
We can expect more of this as the nerdy mean-spirited wing of the GOP get their digs in. I suspect this exact same picture would have cropped up whether Bush or Kerry won. Only the head would be different. Can’t we just all get along? :)

via J. Ligums

  1. Anonymous says:

    On the plus side, George Soros’s generous contributions helped the advertising economy and helped numerous volunteer workers pad their incomes. Thanks Mr. Soros!

    Why they pick Edwards as a VP? That pretty boy, as far as I can tell, hasn’t put in honest day’s hard work in 20 years and has just skated thru life on his looks and charm.

    What a lightweight … and they think he might be a potential prez nominee for 2008! That’s crazy talk.

    And why was Edwards the guy to start the concession speech? Was Kerry afraid to go to the mike?

    If we make it to 2008 without a nuclear war, the Dems will certainly be a lock for the presidency. The only potential republicans are McCain (too old), Jeb (no dynasty please) and Guiliani (too many skeletons in the closet). Arnuld can’t run and there is no way the constitution will be changed.

  2. Mike Davis says:


  3. Mike Davis says:

    Kerry headed to the convenience store to get beer to drown his sorrows?

  4. T.C. Moore says:

    > That pretty boy, as far as I can tell, hasn’t put in honest day’s
    > hard work in 20 years and has just skated thru life on his looks
    > and charm.

    Are you talking about Edwards or the President?

    Lawyers of the ambulance chasing variety may be morally bankrupt, but most lawyers actually have to work hard in order to win cases. The problem is that they are overpaid for that work. Also, you don’t skate by in a court of law on looks and charm. You actually have to make cogent arguments, so the judge doesn’t throw you out and your opponent doesn’t rip you to shreds. Flirting with the jury only gets you so far.

    Meanwhile, let’s examine the applicability of “looks and charm” to the pres Bush was a failure as an oil man. Then he became the “public face” of the Texas Rangers, while his partners actually ran things, oh, about 20 years ago. And then Rove convinced him to run for governor…

    All the men on both tickets have worked hard, some with more success than others. But whose main and only asset is “charm?”

    Man, John, why do I fall for the troll bait? I can’t help myself. Accussing the other side of your own weaknesses was the most offensive modus operandi of the Bush campaign. Really galling.

    I have to reregister due to a change of address and I may just drop my Republican affiliation and go Independent. But I want to fight the social conservatives in California and back Schwarzenegger. Tell me what to do, John! 🙂

  5. Michael K. says:

    Can we all get along? Sure, as long as the Dems admit they’ve lost. They’re still convinced that Bush stole the election. That was 2000, stupid! He bought this one fair and square.

  6. Doc Savage says:

    I guess that when you’ve “married up” up to a billionairess, $250mill is chump change.

    I’m in full agreement about Edwards, I would have strongly considered voting Kerry until the Edwards nomination. The notion of that ambulance chaser in the White House turned my stomach. He acts like a mannequin who took two days of drama coaching with all of those strained hand mannerisms. He may have been able to convince some backwoods juries that ‘doctors cause cerebral palsy’, but he doesn’t pass the global sniff test. Besides that, when Kerry tells a roomful of millionaire Hollywood narcissists that they are “the heart and soul of America”, after an hour of anti-Bush profanities, he proves that 20 years in the Beltway = a total disconnect from the people = Fatal Exception Error.

  7. John C. Dvorak says:

    What to do..I recommend being a registered Independent. Both parties cater to you and neither party asks for money from you. Perfect.

  8. Billy Shears says:

    Jeesh – For some reason I didn’t think that pic so harsh – just a side splitter – sent it to some buddies but never heard back – lol! Now I know why! Maybe I’m fogged in my own cloister? We’ve been attacked personally by friends and colleagues alike and we’ve concluded that going into the w/end we’re just gonna remind folks that u gotta have a sense of humor in this world or you’re gonna see it early. Cheers!


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