1. GotoDengo says:

    What’s the current ghetto term for “stupid”?

  2. sdf says:

    sometimes just because you can doesn’t mean you should

  3. Smartalix says:

    When your big-ass gold medallion isn’t big enough…

  4. Eideard says:

    We’re doing pretty good, I guess, in our little community just outside Santa Fe. As far as I know, we only have two or three gang-twerps out of 150 families or so.

    The one who is reputed to be a drug dealer had these stupid doors put on his Lincoln Navigator a few months back.

    I really hope he gets stuck upside-down in a rollover, some Saturday night.

  5. Jimbo says:

    I’m partial to the green lights under the chassis, and it seems like it would be cheaper. Spinning doors (and spinning hubcaps) just look dorky.

  6. boys will be boys…

    I think their creative talent is going to waste, however I give them credit for the trick.

  7. boillot@gmail.com says:

    I liked the spilt hood, thats about it.

    Is it just me, or was their back axle broke?

  8. Brian says:

    Almost as stupid as the music that accompanied it.

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Hey, whatever turns your crank. Or door.

  10. ECA says:

    Love to see the BATTERIEs that thing needs.
    Talk about an electric car…Watch that Alternator.

  11. BB says:

    The next generation of New Orleans paddle boat?

  12. GregA says:

    Id just like to remind #8 and #1 that nowdays stupid means fresh and new.

  13. John Paradox says:

    Like Windows Vista?


  14. Jim says:

    It’s Herbie’s retarded brother!

  15. Rich says:

    That door-spinning thing got old at about ten seconds, but I didn’t realize this fact until about thirty seconds in.

  16. Phukenay says:

    Ladies and gentlemen…

    Presenting the car of the man with the world’s smallest penis…

    This is a person who should be donating a LOT MORE money to charities.

  17. Didn’t anyone notice that this was in the Middle East? Perhaps Dubai or someplace where the kids have not much else to do. AND they’ve got money. This is the West’s contribution to culture. Hehehe.

  18. Firas says:

    If you look closely at the top right corner – under the plane thing – you can see Jeddah boys. Jeddah is in Saudi Arabia for those who don’t know.
    And for the ones who are crying “stupid” or “retarded” or anything else, I think there is a word for this, something to do with show and car…
    Oh I got it, it’s a show car for crying out loud, and I for one think it performs it’s purpose.
    Chill out people.

  19. Zia says:

    if u ppl dont have money with you to do that stuff to your car dnt coment negatively out of jelousy ! Firas are u from jeddah ?


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