
Deception Detection: Science News Online — Good article for those who think they can spot a liar.

The extra effort needed to remember what they’ve already said and to keep their stories consistent may cause liars to restrain their movements and fill their speech with pauses. People shading the truth tend to make fewer speech errors than truth tellers do, and they rarely backtrack to fill in forgotten or incorrect details.

“Their stories are too good to be true,” says Bella DePaulo of the University of California, Santa Barbara, who has written several reviews of the field of deception research.

Liars may also feel fear and guilt or delight at fooling people. Such emotions can trigger a change in facial expression so brief that most observers never notice

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    This is why I tell consultants [that I occasionally train] to tell folks the truth — even when it’s bad news. It’s difficult enough to keep track of everything, anyway. When you have to add in remembering which story you made up for which client — you’re done for!

  2. T.C. Moore says:

    > People shading the truth tend to make fewer speech errors than
    > truth tellers do, and they rarely backtrack to fill in forgotten or
    > incorrect details.

    Will somebody please tell my girlfriend this. It is the opposite of instinct and seems to be what most people think. How many “Is your guy cheating on you?” articles and books say exactly the opposite of these, um, findings. “I can’t trust you because your memory is imperfect like every other normal human being.”

  3. Jeff says:

    Just stop cheating on your girlfriend, T.C.

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