1. The DON says:

    I call crap reporting.

    Every device demonstrated uses a seperate power source. None of them use the power of the mind alone, or ‘telekenisis’.

  2. !Mosspuppet says:

    Another stinking Flash object that the brilliant iPhone can’t view! It is an abomination against the heavenly soul of Steve Jobs.

  3. Ghost says:

    But what about the terrorists, I mean children, err… I give up.

  4. dusanmal says:

    For the real thing watch “Stalker” by A.Tarkovsky… If you can stand watching it long enough.

  5. ECA says:

    NOW the fun part.
    IF you dont think right, they ZAP you..

  6. oil of dog says:

    ” Moving Objects with your Mind ” Pron works for most I’ve been told.

  7. deowll says:

    They’ve trained monkeys to control artificial limbs using the same kind of tech.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    She’s pretty enough to be on FOX.

  9. Nugget Coombs says:

    Uri Geller has been using this sort of stuff for years, bending spoons by ‘Mind Control’.

  10. AdmFubar says:

    i can move things with my mind, but everyone tells me i have sh*t for brains..


    hhmmm i’ve got it!!! you can use this for
    Bio feedback and how to stop it program…

    let them make a game outta that!

  11. Robert says:

    Instead of this rubbish, what about a blog item on the recent Lancet retraction (!) of the now infamous autism and Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine paper. Dvorak Uncensored has been strangely silent on this, as befits an organ which is shockingly anti-vaccination. I frankly expect no useful debate, but I think it would at least be decent for the blog to draw a little extra attention to this, if only to balance the usual anti-scientific perspective.

  12. Specul8 says:

    Agree #1!
    Telekinesis is using the mind to move objects WITHOUT an external power source. This is monitoring brain wave pattens which in turn triggers a circuit to turn on and off a motor or other device.
    Sensationalistic, inaccurate reporting, IMHO.

  13. Dallas says:

    I move objects using my brain the old fashion way. I pick it up with my hands.

  14. chuck says:

    Using on the power of my mind, I am sending signals to my hands which are typing these words.

    BTW, what is it with CNN – they discovered this “new” toy just this week? It’s been on the market since Christmas 2008!!

  15. Stinky says:

    I had a bowel movement this morning…and I didn’t even use my hands. Not even to wipe.

  16. soundwash says:

    It’s called using the news as an infomercial.

    the “real” news behind this story, -in keeping with “duality” theme of nature, -is that *all* of us will experience enhanced mental abilities over the next few years, some more extreme than others. it has to do with the higher energy (vibration) state of area of space we are traveling through.. (and you will not need a computer to do it) this all part of the “good side” of the 2011 and 2012 events which of course, you hear nothing about in the mainstream.

    The interesting thing about this is that as long as you are [kept] in a emotional state of fear, very little if any changes will take place.

    -this largely the real “why” behind the global “terror” agenda.

    It has much to do with the energy fields your mind and body produce. Investigate the phrase “mind over matter” for clues.

    I have posted about this numerous times using different metaphors.


  17. totalmarketing says:

    #1 you’re right

    Biofeedback (in this case neurofeedback) hooked up to a toy is NOT ” moving things with your mind ! ”

    Its getting CNN to do a huge PR piece on your company

    1. This isn’t new.
    Many other companies have toys like this; since 2007 and before. Whole bunch of ’em. Search neurofeedback toys and you’ll see how many there are.

    Their PR agent just isn’t as good as NeuroSky’s

    2. Monkeys have also been doing this for years, including over the Internet.

    3. Interesting (and kinda dumb) how the piece switchs from neurotoys over to regular biofeedback for the archers bit and the iPhone bit. Those pieces are actually more interesting than NeuroSky’s bs about “moving things with your mind”, but why are they even there?

    4. Looks like Neurosky’s device trains a tiny portion of your front lobe. Looks to have one sensor on the forehead. Remains to be seen if getting that portion of your brain to relax is a good idea. Probably for some people it is and for some people it isn’t….


  18. sargasso says:

    There is no spoon.

  19. loneremily says:

    Watch this. This is a bunch of bullshit. Sorry… It’s fake!

  20. I think it is totally possible to move things with you r mind, people who don’t believe it is possible are just scared of anything beyond the norm.


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