Read about the train set here.

Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. Macbandit says:

    Not really a WORKING model railroad when it doesn’t actually have moving parts. It’s not even self driven.

    It is interesting to see limitless amount of imagination and time some people seem to have.

  2. deowll says:

    Very clever.

  3. KMFIX says:

    How many ghz does it run?

  4. Zybch says:

    The epitome of pointlessness.

  5. Kelvington says:

    It’s something that vaguely resembles a train. The stuff where they move an atom is more train like than this. This just “looks” like a train, but by no definition is it a model train.

  6. Petros says:

    This is a scale model of a scale model. It could be mounted as a scene detail within a regular model rail layout and look correct.

    As such it is really quite remarkable.

    If you don’t ‘get’ that, and think that it is somehow lame or ‘cheesy’ then you are unlikely to ever join the hallowed ranks of fine scale model makers and you can go back to watching ‘Avatar’ on your iPhone.

    Have a nice day! 😉

  7. Cephus says:

    It was a cool idea until they showed that none of the mechanics was on-board. That’s not all that impressive, I’m sure you could make it even smaller, so long as you keep everything that makes it work in a larger scale.

    Want to impress me? Make *EVERYTHING* that size, motor, batteries, everything.

  8. bobbo, international pastry chef and ex scale modler says:

    Sorry Petros. I spent a few years doing “Z” scale after growing bored with Marklin after having N Scale as a child.

    Just like my run with gardening, I was more interested in the control system than the actual “thing” at hand.

    Thats why I’m into pastry these days===BUT EVEN NOW, I prefer the control issues rather than the end product. Ignore the weight gain, nothing to see.

  9. I Know That Guy says:

    He’s got HUGE hands and a MASSIVE pen

  10. RBG says:

    Doesn’t a train require tracks or am I missing something here?


  11. Buzz says:

    Old story. Not a “train” at all. Track-free. Stupid posting.

  12. Oh this is fantastic! The creativity of the modeler just shines up in his work.


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