That’s right! If you search for Windows Vista on Amazon, you’ll see each of the assorted full and upgrade versions and their prices. There’s no guarantee on the year you’ll get delivery, but you can beat the rush by ordering now! Assuming you can think of a reason to buy a copy, of course.

  1. Higghawker says:

    I listen to Steve Gibsons “Security Now” podcast. This security guru says enough for me to wait a good while. Here is the link to the podcast.

  2. Miguel says:

    I’m sticking with XP and Ubuntu. I’m sick of the pointless upgrade dance. Once MS stops supporting XP, hopefully Ubuntu will be sophisticated enough to run Win software with no trouble.

  3. richrmg says:

    i agree with miguel i been playing with ubuntu (total linux noob) and find that once it is running and added dvd playback it does everything I need a computer to do except gaming.

  4. Milo says:

    And I can do without gaming if I have porn!

    Actually that’s a friend of mine… An acquaintance more than a friend really.

  5. Anon says:

    Security – shmurity. Vista is New! and Shiny!

  6. Mike Drips says:

    Do not even think about purchasing Windows Vista!! It is possibly the worst product to come out of Microsoft ever!

    Yeah, even worse than the Talking Barney doll.

  7. plankton says:

    I’m not even considering Vista… or any other Windows OS for that matter.

    I switched to Ubuntu not all that long ago and I love it. It does everything I need it to. (OK, there was that dodgy upgrade recently, but it got sorted out so fast. I was impressed by the turnaround, especially since, I am assuming, the people responsible for the fix are probably volunteers. Excellent support!)

    I don’t use any MS software, so it’s no problem for me. Also, I’m not a gammer, so that isn’t an issue either.

    If anything, I might try a duel boot with Fedora and give that a whirl. But I’m free of MS, at least at home, anyway.

  8. James Hill says:

    August ’95: People lined up at midnight to buy the new version of Windows.

    August ’06: Vista is for sale on Amazon, the world yawns.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    Windows 2000 has served me well for this long, but it’s time to move on and away from Microsoft. Ubuntu looks promising.

  10. Babaganoosh says:

    Could someone explain to me the point of preordering? You don’t get it any faster, so why do it?

    Sounds like nobody here is itching to upgrade to Vista, but if you know someone who is, do them a favor and refer them to the link in #1. It’s a must-listen for anybody who gives a fig about computer security.

  11. ECA says:

    Its the “I want it FIRST” group…

    Im in the {I’ll WAIT 1 years for the BUGS to be worked out” group. Before I even THINK about that POS…

    Its uncontested that Windows programmers are the WORST.

  12. ty says:

    Do not even think about purchasing Windows Vista!! It is possibly the worst product to come out of Microsoft ever!

    Yeah, even worse than the Talking Barney doll.

    –lets not forget microsoft BOB.

  13. Sean says:

    Off topic – How about applying a little compression to the image for this post. The one that’s 1.5MB. Or, since you’re hotlinking (tsk tsk tsk) from the MS website, find a smaller image.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    Sorry, Sean. Didn’t realize it was so big. As for hotlinking, as John has remarked on numerous occasions, nothing wrong with it as long as you don’t overload some poor schulbs limited, personal website. I think MS can handle the extra traffic.

  15. Improbus says:

    I always wait until the first service pack until I get a new Windows OS. OTOH, I won’t be getting Vista unless it comes on a new computer. I will be jumping to some kind of *nix. Microsoft has out lived it’s welcome.

  16. plankton says:

    #12 The fact that so many software companies do not release *nix versions of their software seems to be the biggest issue with people not switching completely over to *nix. At least as far as I see in forums and such. I agree. I think it would serve these companies well to release *nix versions.

    The cool thing is, I never hear about people complaining about things like security issues and systems freezing with *nix. (Maybe there are complaints, but I haven’t seen any.)

    The only other reason I could see for anyone to stick with windows is if that person is incredibly tech un-savvy or just really can’t be bothered at all to learn anything new. But even those people shouldn’t bother with Vista from what I can see.

  17. Sean says:

    @Uncle Dave – Nothing wrong with it until someone catches you, and replaces the image with horse porn, like I have with people hot linking images from me. 🙂

  18. ECA says:


    THERe are to many that have enough knowldge to LOAD ANYTHING and not worry about what happens…ASK any tech.

  19. Walter says:

    XP works really well for me. ( I personally skipped Windows 2000)
    It’s not perfect., but as a somewhat casual gamer, I like the idea of being able to play the games that I want to play and not have to worry about finding some emulator to do so.
    I have recently tried Ubuntu. I LIKE IT!
    It’s not Windows, and I have some relearning of how to do certin tasks but it is more stable than Windows by a long shot! It also is running extremely well on a P3 850Mhz with 256megs of RAM!!!

    I also tried the Beta 2 of Vista. that peice of crap is SO not ready for prime time! I formatted my HD quickly after realizing how beta it was. Beta 2 should have been a little more well done. Especially with the time that Microsoft has had to work on this product!
    And I tried that on an AMD 2800 64 bit processor with over a Gig of RAM!
    Microsoft has their work cut out for themselves!

  20. Matthew says:

    I have a really hard time explaining to people how vista is different from xp; beside the ‘well it looks nicer’. So I went to the vista site and now I have a hard time explaining to myself why I am a few months away from shelling out two hundred bucks.

    In another vein, I downloaded 5536 some four times now and each one has a different freaking md5 sum; even with download managers none of them match that posted on the site… Any idea what gives?

  21. GregAllen says:

    Oh, heck, who are we kidding? Everybody complains about it but we bite the bullet and eventually upgrade.

    Anybody stilling using 3.1 here? I doubt it.

    But I’ll wait for about a year. (I always do that.) Or maybe until it comes bundled with some system I’m buying.

  22. Teyecoon says:

    Talk about Jim Jones and the desire for Kool-Aid. Anyone who is such a devoted masochist as to want to PRE-PAY M$ for a few minor pros and a multitude of cons of this new OS should be sent a coupon for a free visit to a mental health clinic. My guess is this is a “grassroots” marketing effort by M$ & stock holders to portray this product as so desirable that people are actually willing/wanting to pre-purchase just to make sure that they can obtain a copy of this rare valuable gem that will change their lives and secure their computing dreams…lol as I say that.

    Amazon is obviously herding the devout M$ sheep early in hopes that even if it is a commercial failure, they will still have made some money off of this new OS.

  23. K B says:

    Could someone explain to me the point of preordering? You don’t get it any faster, so why do it? –Babaganoosh

    It’s the joy of actually getting to order vaporware. (Yes, vaporware– no honest person can take the vista beta seriously.)

    Nothing wrong with it until someone catches you, and replaces the image with horse porn, like I have with people hot linking images from me. –Sean

    Note to self: Do not hotlink to Sean’s images. 🙂


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