Nice! Now if they did videos showing us how these tricks work!

  1. Chris says:

    “Nice! Now if they did videos showing us how these tricks work!”

    They did John!

    This guy sounds like Darth Vader at some points.

  2. J says:

    I had it all figured out except how they got the blue card in the deck. I overlooked the obvious. I hate it when a magician stacks the deck!

  3. Another Chris says:

    The blue card was always in the deck, more specifically at the bottom. The last two cards at the bottom of the deck were red-backed 5 and blue-backed 5. The 8 was a random pull.

    Notice how he shuffles the deck — the bottom of the deck stays the same card, as the 8 is placed in the “middle”. Then, when he discovers the blue card, he doesn’t pull it out in the same manner as the 8 originally, but gathers the deck together. When he flips the 8, he’s really doing a double-flip, with the blue-backed 5 and 8 in front (watch the technique). When he tosses the blue-backed card, it’s already the 5. When he gathered the deck, the red-backed 5 is at the bottom, which he reveals. Placing it anywhere in the deck, he fans the cards and reveals the blue-backed card is really the 5.

  4. John Urho Kemp says:

    chris has it right. First card is random yet the blue card is forced on top of it and he flips it over with the blue card on top of it making it appear that you’re flipping one card, but you’re flipping two cards. Slight of hand practice.

    but that blue card is the a forced card…and instead of laying out the deck again and choosing like he did the first time, he starts to shuffle the deck which he is forcing the card on you…which is the same value of the blue card.

    I will admit he’s pretty good at the forced card which can make or break the trick.

  5. JM says:

    Its all in the way he shuffles… he manages to keep the bottom card(s) at the bottom, by only shuffling the top, and then placing it over the targetted card.

  6. Anon says:

    this guy’s presentation made my interest disappear

  7. Gyro Gearlooose says:

    There is a video making it’s way around the Internet of a young lady who is both stripper and magician. She uses a single red piece of cloth and keeps making it disappear, each time removing a piece of clothing and another potential hiding place.

    While I am a fan of all slight of hand tricks and magic in general, I gotta’ say that her presentation was infinitely more interesting than the guy in this video.

  8. John Urho Kemp says:

    Um…link to that video of the young lady? For historical study of magic of course.

  9. Rich says:

    I smell Photoshop or CGI or some damn thing…like a dead mouse under the fridge. 🙂

  10. RBG says:

    I thought as much on the double flip. What I found interesting is why he would need to simulate as though another person was picking the card which took a great deal away from the trick with him in far more control of the cards, making me believe simply stacked deck.


  11. Kris says:

    The speed that people have with their hands is just sick. I have watched and watched and watched and I still can not catch him with the blue card seperated from the red card. Great Job. Even though it is reveiled great job.

  12. commenter says:



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