Network Systems DesignLine | Breaking conventional wisdom: 10-Gigabit Ethernet fiber costs less than copper — This is interesting.
New generations of optical modules are more compact, lower power and lower cost than previous generations. Higher levels of integration among the modules combined with silicon photonics technology, have the potential to bring optical interconnects into the same price range that has been the exclusive domain of copper, promoting the adoption of 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
Yeah, but the labor will kill ya.
I bet you Australia will be last to get it
you beat me by one minute
oh hell no. Australia will have it to the goddamned outback before my street gets it. I only JUST got the ability to order a damn DSL line like 6 months ago. 🙂
I took the article to be about intranet, not internet and broadband deployment. I’m sure some of the technology is common to each application. I still think the major delay to fiber to the curb or house is the backbones aren’t capable of handling the video demands, and the entertainment industry is forcing slow deployment until dependable copy protection is achieved.
There’s a white paper that makes cat 7 out to be a better choice. It focuses on details of copper cable total cost of ownership (in US dollars) but there’s a statement about fiber that stood out: “Fiber components for 10G are expected to settle at a cost that is roughly 10x the cost of a gigabit port. On the copper side however, the cost will be about 3x the cost of a gigabit port or roughly one third the cost of a 10G fiber port.”
The article is called “Cabling Lifecycles and Total Cost of Ownership” and is on Siemon’s website at:
I don’t know about the quantities of copper involved in these cables, but copper has seen dramatic price increases lately. Fiber can become cheaper than copper in more ways than one 🙂
Where I live, it’s not unusual to have copper theft (sounds like a paradox…).
Copper is getting expensive and in remote areas they just cut down the poles and cut the copper cables. Selling it by weight it’s an easy buck.
Fiber, on the other hand is just good for fiber communications, so who in it’s right mind would steal it?
I’m all for it. Also they are starting to deploy fiber to home using the 3 sevices on one cable (net, phone and TV). 50Mbit and up.
we got Cable internet 4 years ago, and DSL last year…
Aluminum is worht a GOOD amount now also…so expext ALOT more poles to fall.
I’ve had friends whose cabins have been broken into and all the copper plumbing stolen. The amazing thing is almost all but 1 or 2 of the big copper mines in Arizona have been closed up for years due to the supposed low cost of copper.
Its MINING costs and that the TOP 100 OWNERS cant make the money AFTEr paying for the workers.