1. bdgbill says:

    Answer: He didn’t. No human can hold its breath that long. He also didn’t live in a box in London for 45 days without food. If he had, he would have emerged looking like a concentration camp victim (if he lived at all).

    Also…David Blaine and his boyfriend Chris Angel are douche bags because they have eliminated the only part of the traditional magic act that was in the least bit interesting…the smoking hot assistant babe.

  2. coolismo says:

    Please post instructions on how to tolerate the gitwizard for more than 17 seconds with or without purging yourself,,,

  3. Lou says:

    Should have gone for 20.

  4. jobs says:

    I was going to bail after the first minute but with my amazing skill of fast forward I got through most of it. I’m now actually impressed with blaine’s persistences and stupidity.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    I can’t believe TED had him speak. He’s a magician. He didn’t do any of those things. They were all tricks. How could he stand up there and lie like that? There’s a grain of truth to what he was saying about trying to put the thing down his throat and stuff but he didn’t hold hid breath that long or do any of those other things.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    OK, geniuses…where did he get a breath then? 🙂

  7. GlowingApple says:

    #1, bdgbill

    Not sure about this stunt, but when he fasted for 44 days, he did lose 25% of his body mass.

    Completely agree with your second point though. Without the assistant it just isn’t a true magic act!

  8. jobs says:

    I believe he held his breath for 17 minutes, he has nothing to do. Of course if he really didn’t then give him credit for the trick he played on TED.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Oh wait, I know…Blaine was Photoshopped into that fishbowl! Or maybe it was an optical illusion…he was never in the water?

    But seriously, nobody has ever tried to do what he did, so we don’t really know what’s humanly possible.

  10. Scubasteve says:

    #11 They have, I think it’s called drowning or something

  11. bdgbill says:

    @# 11 Olo Baggins of Bywater #11

    Yes you’re right. David Blaine is clearly a supernatural being living amongst us.

    He’s still a douchebag.

  12. SN says:

    7. “OK, geniuses…where did he get a breath then?

    The masked magician explained the trick behind this illusion on that Fox show Magic’s Greatest Secrets Revealed. You can probably find it on youtube. It’s much easier than you’d ever imagine. I’ll give you a clue, it involves a clear air tube. Yep, the trick is damn easy.

    According to Wikipedia it’s show nine from the 2009 season.

  13. whaap says:

    #1, DITTO that.
    Blaine is an Assclown illusionist and NOT a very good one at that. I don’t know about his butt buddy.

  14. Zybch says:

    That guy really needs a cup of coffee to wake up a bit.

  15. jccalhoun says:

    Allegedly they gave him a guiness record for it. However, I’m dubious. He’s a magician. He does tricks. So I don’t believe he really did it any more than he really reads people minds to figure out their card.

  16. SN says:

    17. “Allegedly they gave him a guiness record for it…

    As I already pointed out, the Masked Magician exposed this trick on his show back in 2009. I’m shocked that anyone is still giving this guy attention.

  17. clancys_daddy says:

    I will give him 20 bucks if he lets me put a plastic bag over his head. I however get to decide when to take it off.

  18. xjonx says:

    Either he did it and the joke is on us. Or he didn’t do it and the joke is still on us. Take your pick.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The Greatest Secrets vid:

    That looks way too clunky for Blaine. I can’t find that Blaine’s stunt on YouTube, curious how it compares.

  20. chuck says:

    Neat video here showing an “invisible bottle” illusion:

    I can imagine using a similar method (on a larger scale) to conceal a transparent breathing tube which would let him breathe.

    Blaine has succeeded in the most stunning magic trick of all: making $money while speaking in the most boring monotone imaginable.

  21. Ebo Boxwad says:

    Blaine is an amazing performer, that almost single-handedly brought a new style of magic to the public. Or, maybe you pine for the Doug Henning style to come back into vogue.

    His record has been broken BTW.

    Yes it is possible to hold your breath pretty long.

  22. totalmarketing says:

    He really did it.

    Blaine is continuing the age-old tradition of the fakirs of India who push themselves beyond known limits, achieving a form of transcendence.

    The fakir path is a spiritual path–transcendence through extremis.

    This is common among yogis, tantrics and fakirs in India.

    Yogis in Indai have been buried underground for weeks (and longer) at a time. They go further than Blaine and put themselves into samadhi, or a kind of suspended animation–a much more still and restful state than Blaine did in 17 minutes. No breathing at all… This level requires very advanced knowledge and a guru to teach you.

  23. Animby says:

    I’ve always found watching Blaine to be a painfully boring experience.

    Listening to him speak for 30 minutes? I’d rather be waterboarded.

  24. charmingbob says:

    I think Chris Rock said it best about David Blaine:

    Are we so desperate for entertainment, that we fall for a trickless magician? Saw a lady in half. Pull a rabbit out of a hat. Do something. What’s his last trick? I’m in a box and I aint going to eat. I’m in a box and I aint going to eat. That aint no trick. That’s called living in the projects.

  25. Common_Sense says:

    You guys who don’t believe he did this are under the impression that this is a superhuman feat. A lot of what he does is trickery, but this is one of those things he does where he just pushes the limits.

    Remember, he’s not holding his breath that long like you or I do at the pool. He’s got the record for “oxygen-assisted static apnea”, where you pump yourself full of pure O2 before-hand. There are several documented cases of people going near this mark, which he actually outlines if you suffer through his sleep-inducing speech. There is a reason that the record for NOT using that method is half as long.

    It sounds impressive, but remember this. A human like Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, or Ussain Bolt are rare — but there are thousands and thousands of people every year trying to become that guy, and sooner or later you hit someone with a high VO2 max, pain tolerance, mental toughness, etc — all in one body. If that many people were trying to break this record as their life-long dream, some idiot would have gone 20 minutes by now.

    I’m not taking away from what he’s done, but when you look objectively at it, this is not so hard to believe.

  26. lens42 says:

    IT’S A MAGIC TRICK FOR CRISSAKES! I don’t how he did, but I don’t know Penn and Teller catch bullets in their teeth either.

  27. qb says:

    pedro, aw come on. I dare you. I double dare you. I double dog dare you.


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