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LOL, the TSA was certainly successful in its secondary goal of increasing union membership by 12,000 or so new government workers.
You’d think the most minimal of training would teach TSA Agents not to waste their time on Internet Bloggers or Rabble Rousers of any sort?
Silly, silly, silly. Our government.
Asking for trouble — begging for it really. And then he finds it… Boring, stupid, pretender. I guess this is what unemployment does to people. (I don’t like the TSA either, but…)
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
Viva la liberdad!
And failing that, viva la liberuncle.
TSA links…
This guy is too smug for his own good – this piece is just some clown trying to bait the TSA.
This guy is a dweeb.
Again, the body scanner example shown in the video was debunked.
Some guy with too much time on his hands trying to expose something that isn’t there. His editorializing is typical Libertarian and all about HIM.
Poke the bear enough times and … guess what?
This seems like a great way to distract several TSA agents. Depending how many TSA aagents there are in one area, someone could use this distraction technique to slip something past the agents in one area.
The TSA agents’ weak link is that they are trying too hard to find something. An evil person could use that flaw.
There might be 1 terrorist per 50,000 people and if the TSA does pack manuvers towards one person, they will miss the terrorist more times than not.
This reminds me of the old adage about when driving and being in the “right”. Yup, dead “right”. A little defensive measure on his part and we all get along.
Troublemaker. I am a TV News Photographer for a major television station in SF. I get hassled all the time by Security Guards, and the TSA are the same kind of people. A little authority results in them pushing people with cameras around. Nothing surprising here.
I get tired of being told I “Can’t” photograph things which I CAN photograph. Sometimes I immediately tell them to call a cop, and sometimes I tell the cop to call his/her sergeant. I win every time, but only if I CAN photograph where I am. Usually, I can.
#13, faxon,
Usually, …
#8: Came in here to post the same thing. Someone even dug in the “re-inverted” original stock photo for his bogus body scanner photo (more info here. Original here [NSFW] ). I myself got a couple of examples of body scanner shots and played around with them in photoshop, didn’t get anywhere near a decent quality naked-pic shot.
I call shenanigans. Even though I can appreciate a sincere questioning of “the system”, doing things like this that casts a serious credibility doubt on the sincerity and all the rest.
The point here is that the TSA is inept. They would be better off ignoring the guy with the camera and pay more attention to doing their jobs. That is exactly this guys point. They are inept. A real threat would not draw attention to themselves like this guy does and it shows that they are not really concerned with safety and it is actually just for show, a ‘theater’. (The most expensive theater ever).
I couldn’t watch the whole thing. What an asshole. So, he made it through TSA screening and then starts harassing them to instigate something? Someone should have tazed him at Popeye’s.
#16 TheMAXX FTW!
Seems to me that Sam is the juvenile weirdo. What a self-centered, self-important jerk!
How dare he not bow down like a good little serf when the agents started harassing him!
#11 You are so right. TSA agents allowing themselves to be distracted. If he was involved with terrorists, he was the decoy and they fell for it.
The entire problem with the TSA is that it is NOT government. Its a bunch of contracted private firms.
Might as well bring back the fat lady with the wand.
Gotta agree with Bobbo #2.
Even TSA high school drop outs can be trained to ignore instigators like this bozo. (No … not Bobbo, the guy in the video!)
One the one hand the TSA agents were at least paying attention to a person acting in a mildly suspicious manner rather than leaving their posts unattended so anybody could get through.
On the other hand they were going against their own rule book _if_ the guy was correct.
Yes the guy was a jackass. But being a jackass is not a crime. These cops should be fired