1. deowll says:

    I vote for the person. I am a conservative. I sometimes think that just means I can do basic math.

    I thought when the Dems got all those seats they were in power for decades. As long as they used their brains and didn’t do something massively stupid that really pissed of millions of voters their jobs were safe and why would they do that?

    It seems I didn’t know these people. They seem to be into vote on this bill sight unseen. Any bill is a good bill as long as we the elite wrote it.

    The Health Care Reform Bill the House passed will make the cost of health care go up for most Americans. Anyone who thinks seniors aren’t going to be in a world of hurt is delusional. You don’t jerk that kind of money out of a program when more people are entering the program without debasing the service. The costs/pain starts 4 years before you get jack.

    The jobs program protected and expanded jobs for government workers and extended unemployment. If that wasn’t you then you did get something. The bill. 3/4 of the money hasn’t been spent and they are talking about another jobs program. The White House has said the jobs program isn’t going to make more jobs which leaves me wondering why are we still going to spend all that money and why did we ever vote to spend 3/4 of the money if it wasn’t for jobs?

    Because green energy requires more people to produce the same amount of power it does make a few jobs however. We will end up on the whole down a few million jobs even counting in the “green” jobs. Even the White House agrees with that one.

    The real jobs creation will be in China, India, and Brazil. The people of these nations should be very grateful to the President and his far sighted supporters for what he is doing for their economies.

    I do believe in climate change. There have been times when the arctic was tropical and times when ice sheets covered most of the planet. Climate change is unavoidable because solar output is not stable and the earth wobbles on its axis. Weather and climate are by nature chaotic. They aren’t going to remain the same.

    The modals being used to forecast a man made melting of the ice sheets aren’t even dubious. Some of what is in them can not be made to match up with known ups and downs in climate of the last thousand years.

    A modal that can’t even reproduce the past is hopeless at predicting the future which is what all those emails were about. Hiding the fact that the modals are worthless so the modelers could continue to get big government grants.

    That and the fact that if you include the data from the Southern hemisphere and don’t cherry pick your data from the northern hemisphere the current climate trend is down.

    CO2 is a greenhouse gas but you would need a heck of lot more of it than we have produced to have more than a trivial impact on the temperature of this planet.

    A slight increase in temperatures causes the planet to radiate heat faster not trap it in a cloud layer according to recent research based on a study done using a satellite put up for that purpose. This negates a major pillar of the disaster modals.


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