Internet Archive: Feature Films — This archive is a gold mine for movie buffs since it is loaded with a lot of great public-domain feature films. Here is the current top 10 list of downloads:

1. Night of the Living Dead — 160,131 downloads
2. The Power of Nightmares — 92,763 downloads
3. Sex Madness — 86,542 downloads
4. Reefer Madness — 65,799 downloads
5. Nosferatu — 57,822 downloads
6. D.O.A. — 35,057 downloads
7. Gulliver’s Travels — 29,096 downloads
8. Charlie Chaplin Festival — 28,467 downloads
9. Carnival of Souls — 28,028 downloads
10. Dressed To Kill — 26,796 downloads

  1. ECA says:

    Only problem with the site, is organization…
    Its very hard to find what you want.

  2. Me says:

    Wow, its nice to see a source for The Power of Nightmares. That should be required viewing for anyone interested in Al Qaeda should watch it.

    What really hit me was the names associated with the Team B review of intelligence the CIA had on Soviet Weapons. It was Deja Vu all over again as you read of a second team formed to find links between Iraq and terrorists.

  3. Max says:

    Great resource for amature filmmakers as well… You can use any of the movies/trailers/ads in your own films! This place is a definite bookmark!

  4. Rich says:

    I’ve been using this site for months- you should download and watch “M” if you have not. One trouble- download speeds drop very low sometimes- in my experience as low as 40 kB/s.


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