1. Zybch says:

    How can anyone watch suck dreck?
    Anyone other than mentally deficient rednecks I mean.

  2. TTHor says:

    Table? Cardboard! Plain stupidity!

  3. Jim says:

    It’s the same as with NASCAR, I just don’t get it.

  4. AkiKazeta says:

    And this has what to do with anything? Gasparrini, stop letting your 10 year-old post for you. =P

  5. bobbo, pop culture and the Roman Circus says:

    Its all too easy to point out dreck for dreck but aren’t all “SPECTATOR SPORTS” more alike than different? Not absolutely the same, just very similar along certain lines.

    Then you realize those certain lines are also present in other human affairs.

    Are we as individuals more INVOLVED in politics, or moreso just SPECTATORS??? We are all mostly spectators–even when voting.

    Life as a spectator sport. How to maximize the meaning===without entering a make shift sweat lodge???

    We come to grips with these issues usually after the energy to do anything about it has been sapped.

    I wish I could play the guitar.

  6. Booooring says:


  7. testtubebaby says:

    I wish he would do this to Lady Gaga. Then she can wear the table.

  8. RTaylor says:

    When I was a boy we had real sport. I can still remember the Coliseum in those days, no faking there. Heads, arms flying everywhere, but the hungry lions were my favorite.

  9. TTHor says:

    #5 Good points!

    Hopenhagen is indeed a spectator sport.

    I wish I could play the guitar too…

  10. jr1ch says:

    I agree with AkiKazeta. Who gives a shit about Mark Cuban anyway?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    I just wish you could play “semi intelligent”.

  12. Mr Fission says:

    #11 Mr. Fusion the only posts you ever make are bashing others.

    How much involvement have you made at Hopenhagen? TTHor and bobbo are completely correct, politics and Hopenhagen especially so is a spectator sport and your nothing but a hooligan getting pounded by the supporters of the opposite team.

  13. ROB WEST says:

    These must the most poorly made tables, hope they saved the receipts.

  14. Phydeau says:

    Professional wrestling is like opera, great myths of good and evil played out on a grand stage, with larger than life characters.

    Think about it.

  15. tlmck says:

    To bad Cuban will not be on injured reserve for the year. We could use a break from him here in Dallas.

  16. AdmFubar says:

    who is mark cuban? what is this video about? none of it makes sense…

  17. Greg Allen says:

    What kind of people think that watching to people beat each other nearly-to-death is wholesome family fun?

  18. The0ne says:

    Who and what is going on? Is Plain involved? I don’t get it. Is this some sort of reality tv show?

  19. Faxon says:

    Who is Mark Cuban???

  20. Faxon says:

    Yea. Let’s throw Lady GoGo through a table.

  21. Guyver says:

    5, Most voting Americans believe in the concept that we live in a Democracy albeit a Democratic Republic. We are socialized to believe in the “Democratic” way.

    However, every major institution in our lives does not nurture this concept. We are conditioned to conform. There is no democracy at work in the Family, School, or at Work. Nonconformity is punished while conformity is rewarded.

    The one opportunity people have to exercise their “Democratic” right is at the voting booth. And depending on who you talk to, that too is up for debate.

    So you have a point in that much of all politics is a spectator sport no matter how “involved” we’d like to think we are politically.

  22. hhopper says:

    Mark Cuban is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, an NBA basketball team, and Chairman of HDNet, an HDTV cable network.

  23. spsffan says:

    And we wonder why the world hates us?

  24. FRAGaLOT says:

    I’m surprised no one has said the obvious post for this…



  25. Uncle Patso says:

    Is Cuban bored? I suppose doing this is cheaper than space tourism. I wonder, did he have to take “acting” lessons?

  26. George says:

    30 years ago my uncle posed a rhetorical question to me: “Why don’t they just give them all knives and guns and let them have it out once and for all?”

    America: “We care about stupid bullshit.”

  27. Animby says:

    I don’t care much for Cuban but you know, it’s kind of fun to see a rich guy actually enjoy his millions.

    Take Murdoch: a rich man who worries about staying rich instead of enjoying being rich. A man who’s loyalty to his own country is up for sale. I wonder when the last time was he had a laugh?

  28. Mark T. says:

    Wow, I didn’t think that my impression of Mark Cuban could sink lower. I was wrong. He is now approaching Dennis Rodman status.

    Well, better this than an exposé on his dalliances with porn stars, ala Tiger Woods.

  29. Walter Bishop says:

    If only it was real, that would’ve been entertaining.


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