
One minute they were lined up at a Long Island mall to see a teen singing sensation. The next, they were pushing and shoving in what police are calling a near-riot. The cancelation of the event is blamed on “Justin Bieber fever” – and too little security. Now, a member of the singer’s management team is under arrest, and parents are speaking out, reports CBS station WCBS-TV.

Bieber fan Annie Seiderer, 12, is left with her unsigned CD, and unsavory memories of Friday’s madness. As many as 3,000 teens waited for hours at Roosevelt Field Mall to meet the 15-year-old pop star, then the event was suddenly canceled.

“Everyone started freaking out and pushing together, and that’s when it got really scary,” Seiderer, of Wantagh, said. Caryn Mutino, a Wantagh mother, was injured during the melee, suffering cuts on her head when the crowd pushed her to the ground.

“To get hurt over it, that was ridiculous,” Mutino said. “I touch my face – there is blood all over my face. My girls are crying, my daughter’s hysterical crying.” “She was gushing blood and we needed to call an ambulance,” daughter Courtney Mutino said. “Then they took us out and went to the ambulance.”

The only person arrested was 44-year-old James Roppo, a vice president with Bieber’s record company. He is charged with child endangerment and assault. Police say Roppo failed to cooperate when he was asked to send a message on Twitter to help clear the crowd.

Before you get smug, don’t forget when The Beatles first arrived in the US…of course that WAS the Beatles.

Found by Mr. Fusion.

  1. Dale says:

    A Beatles comparison..here? Come on. Really?

  2. bobbo, in an existential universe says:

    Someone “in charge” or even benefiting from an event that puts people in danger AND who can prevent injury by taking minimal action SHOULD BE held liable for failure to do so.

    Standard stuff.

  3. gquaglia says:


  4. Luc says:

    Caption: “That’s how many fingers I enjoy having up my ass.”

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    For all the old rockers, does anyone remember festival seating at concerts? The mad dash to get in the front rows when the doors opened make this seem mild.

  6. lemonademaker says:

    #5, you are right …..
    no personal responsibility with anything anymore…

    that kid looks like a Tool!!

  7. Red says:

    It’s nice to know that I’m so out of touch with this corporate bullshit that I have no idea who the kid is.

    Any self respecting mother wouldn’t allow there daughters to worship at the feet of some “tween” celebrity.

  8. jaywontdart says:

    I agree about personal responsibility, this sounds nuts to blame some manager guy. I mean, a crowd of people riots over some teenage singer I’ve never heard of (NZer), and they blame someone other than the crazed crowd?

    Even if it were cancelled, by a tweet no less, whos to say the same fans wouldnt have gone crazy?

  9. bbjester says:

    Clearly this kid’s raw talent, coupled with the sheer depth of his lyrics justify the crowds behavior. Just as Miley Cyrus leaving Twitter justified the threatened sacrifice of an innocent cat on mileysavefuzzy.com

  10. phoenix says:

    @ red, how can you blame a parent for the fact that a child listens to something? teenagers rebel, even adults do. It’s a natural thing, to forbid it will make things worse. They could even sneak out for concerts, wouldn’t you rather give permission and know where they are at all times?

  11. denisha says:

    hot thing sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thing

  12. michelle says:


  13. mia sacupon says:

    he is my soon to be husband…..
    he’s really cute and handsome…..
    i lve him so much..
    i hope he can visit philippines….


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