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Found by C. Lindhartsen.

  1. KMFIX says:

    More proof of what a stunning job GWB did.. Thank you Mr. President!

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Worthless. Without the U6 number being included this is worthless.

    If the mass media began reporting the true number of people out of work no congress puke would return from his/her district following Christmas break healthy.

  3. ECA says:

    And you can see that the MAIN area in the center is all farming. WHICh is seasonal most of the year, and winter you MUST find another job..
    There is a problem with the numbers we use.
    IF I SAID:
    50% unemployed, I would mean that 1/2 the USA is working and the OTHER half is at home keeping the house clean and shopping and tending to the kids.
    70% means that FEW are at home, and that MOST people are working to make ENDS MEET.
    >80% means all men and women are working to keep things going, and they arent PAID ENOUGH. NO ONE is at home to care for the children, they are taken care of by OTHERS..
    The USA numbers do NOT express ANYTHING that is NOT in the system. Unemployed that ARE NOT going threw certain Agencies..THOSE hunting and not receiving SERVICES from state or federal.
    They do not COUNT those in the WAR, WHO will not get jobs when they return.
    They do NOT COUNT the homeless.
    Numbers for welfare are SEPARATE and not counted.
    the number should be expressed as..

    IF you were an employer, WHO would you hire?
    Many companies do this.
    FEMALE with child and not married= GOTTA HAVE JOB.
    Male with EXPERIENCE= he knows more then we want, he will leave when he’s found better.

    At this time Being GAY, Atheist, would be cool.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Now, go to Walmart and support your favorite communist regime.

  5. StoopidFlanders says:

    More Barack Hussein Obama means more unemployment. Now on with the libs screaming indignant about how correlation does not equal causation.

  6. Lou says:

    Obummer !

  7. jccalhoun says:

    More Barack Hussein Obama means more unemployment. Now on with the libs screaming indignant about how correlation does not equal causation.

    So unemployment numbers weren’t rising before he was president? Or is it only causation when the president has a scary middle name?

  8. Buffet says:

    #7 jccalhoun – Couldn’t have said it better myself. Scary is right. The country will, most likely, continue to spiral down the drain. I’m movin’ to Australia.

  9. Grandpa says:

    Whatever happened to all those manufacturing jobs GWB claimed he was making? Could it possibly be that all these free trade agreements aren’t good for America? Perhaps we should opt out of them or put a “time out” to them. It should be blatantly obvious to any idiot that what we are doing is not good for Americans.

  10. TheCommodore says:

    This is what happens when you ignore you basic usury laws.

  11. LuckyPierre says:

    Interesting chart. Note that unemployment is lowest in the Mid-West where there are more horses and cattle than people, and around DC where there are more pigs and asses than people producing something useful.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. Scary is right. The country will, most likely, continue to spiral down the drain. I’m movin’ to Australia.
    If you actually are afraid of someone because of his middle name then you are dumb. Using Obama’s middle name over and over is a pure scare tactic and has nothing to do with anything.

  13. deowll says:

    #9 You are operating on the mistaken idea the US is still a real super power rather than a beggar nation in hock to China.

    Obama messes his shorts at the mere thought of displeasing our master.

  14. Dennis says:

    dunno. A part of me feels some elation that I am not the only one….and another part of me just wants to find a job after 5 months of looking/interviewing.

    Just wondering what it is going to take to turn it around. No one seems to be hiring at a livable wage, and none of the ‘Government Programs’ are lowering ANY of the costs of living.

  15. soundwash says:

    farming aside,

    -I would be interested to see a military base/prison complex location & expansion overlayed over the low unemployment areas..

    for those at home still playing the left-right game, regardless of who was president, seems to me the Dems
    were [and still are] in charge of congress.

    Expect no “recovery” as we knew it, ever again. all new “job creation” will be in government run facilities.

    -esp if health care is passed.

    me thinks all those collecting unemployed will soon be asked to “work” for the same amount they
    now collect in the huge bureaucratic megawasteland that GovCorp run healthcare will create.

    The rest will be working in the “civilian security” arm of GovCorp,
    hunting down all those who failed to
    “pay” for “free” healthcare.

    -or watching over the rest of’em in state-sized prison work centers which will, -surprise! will be producing goods at 0.15¢ and hour for China’s new up and coming middle class.

    After all, they have built a brandy new 1 million resident city that is being kept empty..


    I’ll hazard a guess that it is for
    the new “wall streeters” to move into,
    once the Banksters finish destroying ours..(it is anyone’s guess as to who still actually trusts that there is an ounce of “credibility” left in ours)

    My second (better) guess is that it will house the new high-tech “kids” that will be designing all the new electromagnetic devices that will usher in the new high-technology era of the “new age” which will be led by a Russia-China co-operative.

    esp since china has a 93% monopoly on the rare-earth minerals and magnets needed to make such devices.

    Failing all that:

    –If our government survives past the next two-three years with the current “insaniacs” running it..

    ..a revolution is due in [short] order. -if we wake up in time.


  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    While the ditto heads are arguing Bush isn’t responsible, maybe you idiots could actually try looking out your mother’s basement window and seeing the actual personal damage being done.

    Suicide rates have doubled.

    Food pantries run out or are very low. Donations are way down even as demand skyrockets.

    Factories are being left to rot and fall down. It costs too much to maintain them.

    Mortgage relief is useless if you don’t have a job to pay anything with.

  17. Buffet says:

    #12 – I’m not afraid of anyone – least of all you boy! These forums are a place for the exchange of ideas and opinions. They are here for us to learn from each other, and to explore the incredible diversity of the human mind. We all have different attitudes, beliefs, convictions,opinions, sentiments, and viewpoints. I’m here to occassionally voice a comment, inject some (often lame)levity, but, above all, to learn. DO NOT call me any more names! (You weren’t much of a V.P.)

  18. Winston says:

    Just one day of posts shows why we are doomed, DOOMED!:

    shadow banking topology

    what if they stop buying our debt

    Send lawyers, guns and money (gold/silver), the sh*t will hit the fan (within five years). We’re not printing our way out of this one.

  19. Winston says:

    Excerpt from “What if they stop buying our debt”:

    “As you can see, we project that foreign [debt purchase] participation has plateaued. U.S. private domestic investors can probably increase their holdings moderately, now that households are consuming less and saving more, and financial institutions have money to invest in Treasury paper. The agencies and trusts (like Social Security) are really not a part of the equation, but rather reflect programs on “auto-pilot” and quickly headed to the point where they will negatively impact, not help, the deficits.

    Adding it all together, even under the most conservative of assumptions, there are simply not enough buyers to cover the accelerating federal deficits. That leaves the lender of last resort, the Federal Reserve, as the only remaining candidate to satisfy the government’s grotesque appetite for funding. There is no viable alternative.

    The Fed will take up the slack in the only way open to it, by printing money out of thin air and exchanging it for promises from the Treasury. That means an escalation of monetary inflation and, somewhere down the road, serious price inflation as well. We don’t know exactly when that will happen, only that it must.

    The editors of The Casey Report have been alerting subscribers to this very possible scenario for quite some time. If foreigners stop buying U.S. government debt, the whole house of cards will come crashing down.”

    And from the Shadow Banking report:

    “The key observation is one of the most comprehensive single page topology overviews of the entire shadow banking system. The take home here is the massive leverage applied to any single product (which courtesy of soon to be defunct rating agencies was presented as having AAA or comparable collateral when in fact the underlying assets were total garbage), which ranges anywhere from 7x to infinity. This last leverage category is precisely what the Fed, in its attempt to reincarnate the bubble once again, consequences be damned, is doing its damnedest to make sure comes back. And if investors are stupid enough to fall for the same trick one again, then we all deserve the financial apocalypse that will ensue as a result. Because while in 2007 the ABS collateral pool at least had some more quality assets supporting it, over the past 2 years even these have gotten impaired, courtesy of horrendous asset resource management.”

  20. Winston says:

    “More proof of what a stunning job GWB did.. Thank you Mr. President!”

    While I think that GWB should be rotting in prison for any one of the many illegal things he did while president, our current problems are caused by several decades of true bipartisan scumbag efforts.

  21. jccalhoun says:

    I’m not afraid of anyone – least of all you boy! […] DO NOT call me any more names!

    I wrote, “If you actually are afraid of someone because of his middle name then you are dumb.” If you aren’t afraid of anyone then I didn’t call you dumb.

    Thankfully I didn’t write anything about reading comprehension as a judge of intelligence…

  22. ECA says:

    The problems you are, arent recent, as you can tell.
    I can point to a couple things that happened during BUSH, that caused allot of this.
    What I can also say is that this has been happening for 15-20 years.
    Somethings changed..
    BEFORE most of this happened, PROFIT was the WAGE for those on top. if you made NOTHING, you GOT Very little. NOW they get WAGE and then Benefits AFTER.
    Another point to make is that thee IS NO COMPANY in the world, where the TOP workers get >100 TIMES the wages at the bottom. And if they do, it WONT LAST LONG.
    Another point is the PRICE of goods has risen, for NO REASON in the last 10-15 years.
    Someone said “that a Rise of 3% increase in the economy PER YEAR was a good thing”. The only problem is that BUSINESS figured that with COSTS stable, they could raise prices 3% per year. Stable costs+3%+3%+3%+… for 20 years.. the ones that got the profit?? at the TOP.
    NOTHING went up, not even wages, by much.
    NOW the real problem.
    HOW to make more profit and NOT lower UPPER wages. CUT from the bottom and Increase PRICES(even tho the costs are STILL pretty Stable).
    All those jobs going overseas?? lets send MANAGEMENT OVERSEAS and cut costs..
    Solution?? WAGES for TOP management, ISNT really a wage. Its a contract for PAYMENT. That says this person will make $$THIS MUCH$$ no matter how many hours they put in. And I think $1000+ per hour 24/7, sleeping OR NOT, isnt a proper WAGE.
    its EASY, but the corps wont do it.
    TOP wages CUT in half, DROP prices 25%..NOW.
    its a type of competition.
    GIVE the consumer WHAT he wants, QUICKLY.
    They get happy, and JUMP to BUYING FROM YOU..not the other guys.

    So, good luck guys, we are going to need it.

  23. LibertyLover says:

    #23, Another point is the PRICE of goods has risen, for NO REASON in the last 10-15 years

    It’s called inflation of the money supply. The dollar is worth less so it take more of them to buy the same goods.

    Plus, a lot of things are heavily regulated by the government. There is a hicky to be associated with that, too.

    Well, everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving. Cheers.

  24. SimonSezz says:

    It cracks me up when even with facts presented to them, the Obama-haters still blame it on Obama. The downslide started with Bush in office. Also regarding Obama’s big spending spree… remember that when Bush was in office our country hit a record deficit in 2004… (yes, 4 years before we inaugurated President Obama). Let’s not forget in September of 2008 Bush pleaded with Congress to approve the first $700 billion dollar bailout. Some right-wingers seem to be suffering from either a severe case of amnesia or denial. We gave the republicans eight years to have their hand at America… now let’s allow the democrats four years to work at it.

  25. ECA says:

    THE cost didnt go up..
    the PRICE WENT UP and the seller paid the same..
    Inflation?? thats PRICE GAUGING, NOT inflation.

    ANd that HICKEY?? its called TAX. and GUESS WHAT. it only went up on a few products in the last 15 years. NOT FOOD, NOT CARS..

    BUSH installed an import tax on IMPORTED wood from canada, WHICH is against the law.
    WE were sending ALL out wood and metals to CHINA.
    ANd min wage hadnt been raised in over 10 years. So as prices went up 3% per year, you STILL only got $4? per hour. only in the last 2 years have they RAISED the min wage, a WHOLE $1..
    ALL utilities have gone UP 30-50% and some have doubled in the last 10 years.. this is NOT an imported goods.
    its the idea that UTILITIES wanted to regulate themselves and JUMP onto the stock market. the only way to make MONEY as a business is to RAISe the stock price. ALSO, make note, that the ELECTRIC company 90% of the time DOES NOT ouw the power generation..the DAMs belong to the USA government..so do MOST of the nuke plants. they ONLY well the electricity, and they have 30-50-100 year contracts NOT to raise the COST of the power.

  26. Brock says:

    Just goes to show what a stunning job “The One” has done in 2009. Rather than 8% unemployment we have 10% (or 17% if you are honest).

    Blaming Bush doesn’t ring true after almost a year of social reengineering and business bashing. Is it any wonder people stopped spending money and companies aren’t hiring with Comrade O at the helm.


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