Nice to see a town where there’s no robberies, murders and so on so police can concentrate on the real criminals.

That’s Jehovah the top!

Amazed widow Jean Groves was told by cops to remove a notice on her fence which reads: “Our dogs are fed on Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

The sign hung there for THIRTY-ONE years without complaint.

Even Jehovah’s Witnesses treated it as a laugh. And as soon as the politically correct PCs left, pensioner Jean put the sign back up again.

She said: “It’s only a lark and it’s staying there. I don’t see what the fuss is about. Don’t people have a sense of humour any more?”

The only dog at her home is a three-month-old Jack Russell named Rabbit.

Mum-of-two Jean, 77, who has lived in the same house in Bursledon, Hants, for 48 years, said: “My husband Gordon hung it up and it’s been there ever since. No one has said anything in all that time.” Jean, a retired nurse, added: “The police said it was ‘distressing and offensive and inappropriate’.”

Mrs Grove’s son Richard, 53, said: “We never had a visit from Jehovah’s Witnesses for years, so I suppose the sign did the job.

“There’s no way we could take it down — it’s living testament to dad’s sense of humour. The only dogs we have ever had would have been more likely to lick people to death rather than eat them.”

Parish council chairman Diana Sneezum said the local police should concentrate on serious issues like vandalism and yobs.

A Jehovah’s Witness said: “If we see signs like that we just walk away.”

A Hampshire police spokesman insisted there had been a complaint.

  1. RTaylor says:

    With so many of UK teens roaming in gangs reminiscent of Clockwork Orange, I can see why fence postings take priority. It’s safer to deal with.

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    A Hampshire police spokesman insisted there had been a complaint.

    maybe the police could have shown a little more discretion in answering that complaint.

  3. Jehovah’s Witnesses are intrusive trespassers,i have my private property posted.

  4. Gary Marks says:

    I’ve always thought it would be funny to make a special doorbell button for Jehovah’s Witnesses. It would be constructed of heavy gauge, bare metal, with thick, heavy duty electrical wires leading to it. It would be completely harmless, but it would look extremely menacing, and carry the label “This Button For Jehovah’s Witnesses Only — All Others DO NOT TOUCH!!!”

    That said, I’ve never had a JW be anything other than pleasant, polite, and willing to leave as soon as I said “No thank you.” I give them a certain amount of respect for doing something that must be often difficult and unpleasant. Believers from other faiths often do very little that they wouldn’t do anyway.

  5. Improbus says:

    If I had a dog I would feed him with neocons.

  6. Sounds The Alarm says:


    I’m sending PETA after you! An all neocon diet has been proven to make your dog into a back biting rat!

  7. ECA says:

    If a bit of Humour isnt your CUP of TEA,
    GO away.

    enlighten the world and make another laugh.
    Enjoy what you got, you may not be getting much more.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Gary Marks – Maybe its because my mother’s side of the family are all Jehova’s Witnesses that I offer them no respect at all. (In fact, I don’t associate with them at all.)

    Several years back, some roaming Witnesses (young man and woman) knocked on my door just as I was scrambling from the shower to the bedroom in my robe, but I answered the door because I didn’t realize at that moment that I shouldn’t. They gave me the “we’d like to talk bla bla bla” and in a stroke of brilliance I said, “sure, come on in…”

    “I’d love to chat with you about your faith and what it might have to offer me. I only ask that you respect the rules of my house.”

    “Oh yes sir, what rule is that?”

    “In my house, everybody is naked” and I dropped my robe to floor, beaming at them in full glory. I never saw anyone leave that fast, and was never bothered again at that address.

  9. Jim Scarborough says:

    Q: What do you get when you cross a Jehova’s Witness with a Unitarian Universalist?

    A: Someone who knocks on your door for no apparent reason.

  10. Gary Marks says:

    Interesting and very gutsy approach, OhForTheLoveOf.

    How does this sound? — I’ll drop my robe and say…

    a) “Say hello to the little witness.”

    b) “It’s my birthday, and I’m wearing my only suit.”

    c) “Please mention OhForTheLoveOf in your police report.”


  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 –
    Q: “What happens when you combine the Unitarians with the KKK?”

    A: “You get a group who burns question marks on your lawn.”

    Who are you accusing of having a “little” witness? 🙂

  12. joshua says:

    Welcome to the New Labour Britain….it only gets worse.


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