This is extremely cool technology. They way the image is created is directly related to phase-array radar control and those accoustic-phase speakers that use lots of small transducers to control a larger wavefront.

The device, called AMOEBA (Advanced Multiple Organized Experimental Basin), consists of 50 water wave generators encircling a cylindrical tank 1.6 meters in diameter and 30 cm deep (about the size of a backyard kiddie pool). The wave generators move up and down in controlled motions to simultaneously produce a number of cylindrical waves that act as pixels. The pixels, which measure 10 cm in diameter and 4 cm in height, are combined to form lines and shapes.

AMOEBA is capable of spelling out the entire roman alphabet, as well as some simple kanji characters. Each letter or picture remains on the water surface only for a moment, but they can be produced in succession on the surface every 3 seconds.

I guess this means we’ll soon see fountains displaying ads…

  1. rwilliams254 says:

    That’s really freakin’ cool.

  2. Awake says:

    Coming soon… water probes like the one in “The Deep”.

  3. Mikle Cannali says:

    This is also related to the way cellular phone towers with 4 antennas transmit such that all 4 multipath signals on the same frequency add in phase at the mobile. Except the cell system can do this for 800+ mobile cell phones all moving randomly.
    Else – a single transmission from one antenna will have nulls where there is a 60db cancellation right next to a 6db peak caused by multipath. The effect would be a series of pops far stronger than the signal.

  4. joshua says:

    can’t wait for the porn waves.

  5. Tyler says:

    this is great…but i wanna see a VIDEO

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    3D smut!

  7. Hey Gorbie..I agree. But that’s a plug in I didn’t write. I’ll complain about it too.

  8. Braden says:

    How’s that cure for cancer coming along?

  9. Mike says: comes up with “server not found”. Is this so or is something blocking my access?

  10. Diego says:

    Multicast Wireless is a mission-based, cutting edge, progressive multimedia organization located in Huntsville, Alabama.


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