BBC NEWS | Business | Glaxo has bird flu ‘breakthrough’ — If you look at the current maps showing the spread of this disease, then you’ll be relieved by this news.

UK drugs firm GlaxoSmithKline believes it has developed a vaccine for the H5N1 deadly strain of bird flu that may be capable of being mass produced by 2007.

The vaccine has proved effective at two doses of 3.8 micrograms during clinical trials in Belgium, BBC business editor Robert Peston has learned.

  1. hobot says:

    Because everyone already knew the bird flu wouldn’t do shit anyway.

  2. RTaylor says:

    It’s a bit early to celebrate. Let’s wait and see if it’s effective on a mutated human to human aerosol variant. At least this can be gotten out to the hot spots and those at high risk of direct contact with fowl.

  3. Mike Drips says:

    When you consider that Donald Rumsfield is the primary stockholder in the company that produces the only avian flu vaccine approved in the US, you might realize what a total “fear factor” scam this whole thing is.

  4. Carlton Thomas says:

    That is great news, if true. It will be interesting to see if it really works. For the above comments; pandemic influenza isn’t something that should be attached to a conspiracy theory. Nature has its ways of dealing with over population.


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