Turn your eyes away sinner!

Expatica’s German news in English: Islamists shoot World Cup viewers in Somalia — In all the confusion we’re missing stories like this happening in East Africa as the Islamists take control of Somalia. Eventually they may take over most of Africa since nobody is there to stop them. The U.N. is a joke.

MOGADISHU – Islamist militiamen raided a cinema in central Somalia where viewers were watching a World Cup football match in contravention of Sharia law, killing two people including the cinema owner, witnesses said Wednesday.

“The Islamic militia ordered the owner to turn off the television but he refused. Then they shot him in the leg and the chest,” a local resident who identified himself only as Mohammed told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

A young woman was killed after the fans watching the Germany-Italy game played on Tuesday evening streamed onto the streets of Dhusa- Mareb to protest against the cinema owner’s murder and express their anger at the ban.

Islamic courts have introduced Sharia law, including a ban on watching World Cup football matches, since defeating secular warlords and taking control of most of the country’s southern regions last month.

  1. Dan says:

    The only difference between Muslim fanatics and Christian fanatics is what they allow you to watch on T.V.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    That’s more than a little over the top, Dan – how many people have actually been killed by “Christian fanatics” in the USA?

  3. Joe says:

    lets see,

    David Korish – waco texas

    Jim Jones – jonestown

    need I go on

  4. joshua says:

    well gee wizz joe….those 2 really compare to whole populations being decimated by Muslim fanatics. The Taliban killed that many people on a slow day. Somalia has been a mess for 14 years, which has allowed the Islamic militants to finally gain the upper hand and they are imposing the sharia law as they see it to their new little country.

    But I can see the comparison from your point of view…..after all Jerry Falwell may enter your house at any time and shoot your family for watching the super bowl.

    And Dan…..there is one other small difference, the Christian fantics as you call them aren’t killing those who disagree with them.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    Jim Jones was the leader of the “People’s Temple”. This is the first time I’ve heard them described as “Christian”. And as Josh points out, the incident in Somalia happened this month, while the People’s Temple happened in 1979. Since “Joe” will have run out of fingers and toes to count on, that’s 28 years ago.

    While it’s true that Koresh’s Branch Davidian church was an offshoot of the Seventh Day Adventists, who were an offshoot of Christianty that was founded just over a hundred years ago, “Joe’s” case might be a little stronger if there was absolutely no reasonable doubt that the fire at the compound was actually started by Koresh and/or his followers.

  6. doug says:

    someone would have to threaten to shoot me to make me to watch soccer on TV, rather than the other way ’round.

  7. Frank IBC says:

    When the people get ENOUGH of their religion, they will either REVOLT, or awitch religion.

    Er, I don’t quite follow. Are you hoping that the Somalis will all convert to Wicca?

  8. OmarTheAlien says:

    Well, if the rulers, thats the guys with the most guns and all the money, say you can’t watch this or that, then you should either turn off the TV or swap out the current set of rulers with your own set. There’s little that we can or should do about it, let those people settle their own destinys.

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    While it has been 300 years since organized religion has actually been the basis for killing in America, there is an impact from Christian fundamentalism of both the Death Penalty and for many years lynchings. The Christians might not have been as prolific or obvious as Muslims, but neither are they totally innocent.

    Having said that, I don’t believe Falwell or Dobson will be visiting me anytime soon. If I lived in the Muslim world, I don’t know if I would feel as comfortable.

  10. ECA says:

    Its the idea that they are making up religios based laws as they go.
    Even with NEW tech, what in their religion BANS sports??
    I’d rather have sports NOW then from the days of the incas..If you lost then, the team was killed off.

  11. AB CD says:

    >there is an impact from Christian fundamentalism of both the Death >Penalty and for many years lynchings.

    Lynchings came from Scotland, named after a guy named Lynch. I don’t think those Scot rednecks were Christian fundamentalists.

  12. joshua says:

    #17 ECA….ohhhhhh…I see, you mean like the Iraqi football(soccer) team was in Saddams day?

  13. Let’s not forget this idiot

    By the way #1…there are plenty of Baptists who forbid TV watching and dancing too.

  14. ECA says:

    they certainly dont shoot/kill them.
    Even if the superbowl is on, and a few miss 1 sunday.

    With all this internal strife, I would think, we would have to do much to slaughter the whole place/middle east. but we keep putting our fingers into the mix, insted of sitting on the side lines, and instigating MORE to happen. We take there attention off fighting each other, and it just takes LONGER for them to kill themselves OFF.

  15. Mathayus says:

    What the hell is the problem with this islamists. Is the socer gonna offend their religion.

  16. Vincent Downing says:

    The only reason Christian fanatics aren’t killing people wholesale as do the Muslim fanatics is that their ability to do so has been tempered by centuries of secularism. Tolerance for other viewpoints, respect for empirical methods of inquiry, and a nodding acquaintence with reality is something that the secular realists have allowed to flourish in the West. Christianity would still be mired in the Iron age as is Islam if it wasn’t for the rationalists. Oh, and to be clear: when I say Christian or Muslim fanatics I am talking about sub sets of these religions. I have no problem with the religious moderates who recognise the common humanity of other human beings who do not belong to their religion.

  17. Nonna says:

    er… christians just like to butt in and kill people in other contries

  18. Dick Sproul says:

    As I see it the main problem is that few Christions know what God is. —You will notice I didn’t say WHO—-and thats part of the problem. Primitive minds like to personalize God. And they like to make God a He or a Lord. They don’t accept the idea that they themselves are the force, yes I said Force, that could be called God. Which explains why things are so screwed up.

  19. Jerry F. says:

    Don’t forget the so-called Christians who kill clinic doctors and others in the name of Jesus. How dare anyone ever suggest that so-called Christians in America don’t force their views on others and kill others.
    Is there no greater irony than the multitude of so-called Christians who hate and kill in Jesus’ name?

  20. Sigh says:

    Let’s us not forget that we have an entire army of “christians” killing and being killed by hordes of muslim “terrorists”.

    I don’t think Jesus would approve by no means of this behavior, but that doesn’t seem to bother anyone…. except those that get mixed up in the crossfire.

  21. Liberty says:

    “David Korish – waco texas”

    It’s KORESH and what did he have to do with “fanatic Christians” killing people?

    The attack in Waco was a botched attempt by the BATF to justify its budget, which was supposed to be challenged a few weeks later in Congress. The original warrant against Koresh specified that he didn’t pay a $200 fee on a LEGAL machine gun purchase!

    And ALL of the killing was done by government agents, even the original 4 agents who died during the totally unjustified home invasion: forensic studies showed that they had shot each other, as they had all been killed by ammo from their government-issue guns in a dark room with no one else inside.

    That’s an indictment of government, not of “Christian violence”.

    Jim Jones – jonestown
    need I go on”

    Yes, absolutely!

    To create a “parallel” between modern Christians and modern Islamists, you’ll have to provide REAL examples of serious Christian violence.

    NB: I have absolutely nothing positive to say about Christianity. Like all religions, it’s moronic. But we’ve dealt with Christianism a long time ago and put it in it’s place. The fanatic morons in that religion are no threat to the rest of us.

    Fanatic Muslims, however, are!

  22. Chuck says:

    What about the fundamentaist Christians who murder doctors that perform abortions? I didn’t plow through the entire thread, but when I scanned it I didn’t see any mention of this as an example.

    I agree that the Muslims murder more people than the Christians, but in either case if the number is greater than zero it’s tough to argue that such exclusionary beliefs are ‘good’.

  23. Chuck says:

    I think that missionaries who preach against condom use in sub-Saharan Africa should be tried on genocide charges…

  24. wayne says:

    Have we not heard of the Inqusition?? Catholicism at its best not to mention the century of secular violence from N. Ireland (Question – whose side was god on>>>)

  25. Islam – The Religion of PIECE.
    A Body piece here and
    a body piece there

    Who will survive ?
    Religion or Mankind
    Both Can’t !!

  26. Sheilah Gaffe says:

    Wayne, you probably need to know a little more about the history of Northern Ireland before making the assumption that the violence there was actually anything to do with catholicism, let alone religion.

    In the beginning it was about politics and power, and religion was used by the leaders for their own purpose. You know, the old divide and rule thing…

    Later, the problem became a socio-economic one as one group was oppressed by the other. Religion provided a label which you could ascribe to the two groups. Protestants marched each year through impoverished catholic areas just to rub their noses in it.

    If you recall the outbreak of violence in the 1960s followed on from an originally peaceful civil rights march by catholics. They wanted equality with regard to housing, jobs and a say in government. (They’d been gerrymandered out of an electoral voice for decades.) Northern Ireland was actually the birthplace of apartheid.

    Denying catholics their basic rights, as the NI government did for centuries, meant the oppressed became resentful. They weren’t even allowed to protest about the discrimination they endured.

    Of course people with political agendas were able to take advantage of the problems. Nothing has changed there. How many imams’ sons sacrifice themselves for the ’cause’?

  27. Sheilah says:

    BTW, Wayne, I think you meant ‘sectarian’ violence, if you want to associate what you have to say with religion.

  28. dutchy says:

    Frank IBC said

    a Few miljon frank don’t you now that America was not empty when the first europeans came.

  29. Tink says:

    I agree with what chuck said about condoms in Africa – that’s murder on a whopping scale.


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