SMINTAIR – SMOKER’S INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE — I can’t image they can even come close to keeping these planes from stinking to high heaven, although they talk a big game. Personally while I like the idea of a luxurious long haul experience why cater to smokers? No offense to all the smokers but there are plenty of alternatives to getting a nicotine fix other than burning weeds in a plane at 37,000 feet.
Although innovative, SMINTAIR will treat its passengers like the guest of an international Grand Hotel. It is an obligation to SMINTAIR to bring back the exclusivity in flying encountered in the 1960s and dearly missed by so many. The classic ambience paired with today’s technology will make flying SMINTAIR a unique experience. Presentations of luxurious goods with all due countenance, Telephone, TV, DVD, MP3, Internet, are just some of the many envisioned tools and aspects of in-flight entertainment.
The SMINTAIR management consists of people who travelled the World on about every aircraft and airline available, therefor perfectly aware of what a classic air traveller requires and more important, expects or even hopes for. Between reality, expectation and hope, there are huge gaps neither the small nor the big carriers seem to be able to fill.
Allowing our guests to smoke is one of the freedoms we are happily prepared to grant. Non-smokers will find the cabin air more refreshing than on any other flight with any other airline, as SMINTAIR adds fresh outside air to the conditioning system! This is more expensive, as it burns more fuel, but it is seen as an additional service to our guests.
As the World’s first smoker’s airline, SMINTAIR is entering many uncovered niches in aviation, designed to give the traveller maximum pleasure out of their flight experience. SMINTAIR spends more than three times the amount usually invested on passenger’s nourishment. Signature recipes created by internationally renowned chefs will make each meal a feast. Charming and beautiful flight attendants in uniforms designed by famous couturiers are there to take the very best care of you. Every two years, a new designer will be elected to keep the uniform design á la mode.
Cool.. Good idea.. I gave up cigarettes back in february. But if can smoke on a flight again, I just might start back up.
I quit smoking several years ago, so I have experience on both sides of this issue. There seems to be a huge population of non-smokers who really aren’t rabid about the smoking issue. They seem to be pretty tolerant about the habit and don’t have any real objections to being in the vicinity of smokers or even, good Lord, having friends that smoke. I could see non-smokers using this airline just for the perks. And I can sure see smokers using it, because if there’s anywhere a cigarette is a comfort it’s in an aluminum tube traveling 600 mph 30,000 feet in the air (as is bourbon).
So if I sat down with a big ‘ol cigar, that would be ok?
#3 I’m gonna say yes, and a double corona is a damn fine way to pass an hour or two.
Yes….yes it is James.
I’m a rabid non-smoker, and no incentive would get me on a plane where people smoke, no matter what they promise about the air quality. I remember flying on stinking planes, with smokers going to the back to smoke, then coming forward to sit because they couldn’t stand the smell. With only about 20% of the N American population smoking, my guess is that this enterprise will fail, or perhaps it will succeed in Europe and Asia, where more people smoke. Yuk!!!
Weren’t airplanes the first front (excluding what Hitler did) in the war on smoking? Any chance we’ll allow tobacco companies to sponsor Nascar again? Or maybe allow for smoking in bars and restaurants?
burning weed at 37,000 ft is that what they call getting high?
I can see it now, when the door to the plane opens up, it’s going to look like Jeff Spicoli’s van door opening in ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’!
I hope they have a seperate terminal for these planes too, can you imagine the cloud following everyone getting off?
Presentations of luxurious goods with all due countenance… and SMINTAIR’s income from the Main Sponsors alone reflects the amount of jet-fuel for both BOEING 747-400 basis the price of over US$ 100/barrel for crude oil.
Ad-sponsored flights?
Official caviar of SMINTAIR! Official champagne of SMINTAIR! Official yacht-broker of SMINTAIR!
ad nauseum… [no pun intended]
This is more expensive, as it burns more fuel,…
Al Gore won’t be a passenger.
…spends more than three times the amount usually invested on passenger’s nourishment…
A cigarette will help “freshen the palate” of passengers eating these gourmet meals?
Charming and beautiful flight attendants in uniforms designed by famous couturiers…
Is this an ad for an airline, or a Matt Helm/James Bond/Austin Powers movie?
Frankly, I hope these guys succeed. At least *someone* is trying to create an airline that provides a better experience for the passenger. Everyone else has completely given up on that, and is content to cram us in like cattle.
This is just a bunch of whining smokers who can’t figure out that their habit is a public health hazard. If it weren’t for big tobaco and their political bribe money, cigarets would have been banned in public places years ago.
I know, I’ll start Asbestos Airlines! Nothing but the best carcinogenic fiber seats for my customers!
#12, Some people enjoy a good smoke. Who the hell are you to say they can’t? In fact, not even the government has that right unless we all want to give it to them. If it weren’t for millions of american citizens “big tobacco” wouldn’t have any bribe money in the first place. They exist because the market decided they should.
And the debate isn’t closed on how bad smoking is, especially in secondhand cases. Being exposed to a little second hand smoke for a few hours won’t kill you, despite what the smoking nazis want you to think. Cigars are especially debated, perhaps you should tell Castro his habit should have killed him 20 years ago. George Burns got reamed by his deadly habit and the tender young age of 100.
But I think the biggest argument here is… if you don’t like it, don’t go there. Outdoors I doubt you’ll be getting much second hand, and it’s pretty simple to stay away from bars and clubs that allow smoking indoors.
hey, I say go nuts. smokers can smoke wherever they want, so long as I am not hermetically sealed in the tube with them. just thinning the herd.
two years clean,
Full smoking ban for domestic flights started in 1990. Several years before that the ban was on flights 2 hours or less. It was miserable being on a smoking flight for a non-smoker. We all know how bad cabin air is to start with. I don’t fly anymore. I’ve seen all I want to, and rather be home now. There’s too many assholes out there, and I don’t like the competition.
“If it weren’t for big tobaco and their political bribe money, cigarets would have been banned in public places years ago.”
Yeah, and we should ban alcohol as well. If it wasn’t for Big Breweries we would have banned it’s consumption years ago stopping all of those needless drunk driving deaths.
Wait……didn’t we ban it at one time?
Feel free to read the above post with as much sarcasm as you feel fit.
#6 – “I remember flying on stinking planes, with smokers going to the back to smoke, then coming forward to sit because they couldn’t stand the smell. ” Yes I hated those people too and so did the people in the smoking section and especially the ones in the few rows in front of the smoking section. I remember hearing of the complaints. I also remember on a few occassions where the flights attendants would turn them back.
As the article states that when smoking was in place in airplanes they had to bring in fresh air and replace the filters regularly (as it states here in the art.). This cost them more fuel, so there was an economic incentived for the airlines to ban the smoking. Trust me it has nothing to do with health risks. Now they don’t bring in fresh to save fuel and instead recirculate what air they have and the filters get filthy and stay that way. There have even been reports on whether or not the air is better than before. Some people may not agree to this but you can not always smell things that are bad for you.
I have noticed two differences one, no tobacco smell and the other more stuffy air and other human smells which are not pleasant to say the least. What do the passengers do? They turn their little fan on full blast not knowing they are getting germs and other shit that are unhealthy. With more flights being packed to the gills these days yeah you won’t get second hand smoke but you will probably get sick a lot easier and alot quicker. And later on in life they will blame it on second hand smoke… a cheap shot…and not the truth.
Hey, if they can run a airline like this and make money I don’t care.
I’m a non-smoker and so are all my brothers, their wives and kids and my parents (except the parents and 1 brother for sure used to smoke pot, does that count?). But I don’t get all ballistic about it. I don’t allow it in my car, or my house, but I go to smoking allowed places all the time. I just have my doubts about second hand smoke being the big problem it’s made out to be.
My own feeling is this, if smoking is so bad, then stop taxing it and ban it all together, the same go’s for booze. Drunk driving and domestic violence alone cause more harm than smoking, so why aren’t we banning drinking? Because no politician in his right mind would deprive *joe six pack* of his buzz, thats why. It’s all a money and votes game, smokers don’t have the numbers to protect them anymore, but drinkers do.
I couldn’t care any less about smoking on or off airplanes, but could that article be any more self-important? Good grief. Everyone is on a high horse at all times these days.
Airline air quality is much worse since the smoking ban because they recirculate the germs, er, air versus refreshing the air in the cabin with outside air. As the article states, that burns more fuel.
I took my first commercial flight in 1953 and I definitely remember when flying was a great experience totally different from rack ’em, stack ’em, toss them a bag of peanuts travel today. (Remember when people dressed up to fly?) That would be enough of a reason to try the new airline; being able to smoke would just add to the pleasure.
As a smoker (wanting to quit), and a Flight Attendant who would rather not be surrounded by it for a 10 hour long haul flight., I can see both sides of the coin here.
If you are anti-smoking and don’t want to expose yourself to second-hand smoke, then clearly you have a choice NOT to fly Smintair. But I for one, who travels regularly on scheduled carriers overseas each month (to get TO my job)., would GREATLY appreciate the opportunity to be not only pampered in-flight like the old days, but to then enjoy a cigarette or two after my meal or while watching a movie in-flight with my favorite beverage!
Until such time as I have the will-power to quit, I would like a choice! We are living in a militant society where little by little our rights are being stripped away from us. Some airports around the world are now “patrolling” areas OUTSIDE the terminal buildings where you can and can not smoke. PUH-LEEEEEZ! Give us smokers a break!
I hope SMINTAIR is a SMASHING SUCCESS and I for one will be lining-up to buy a ticket! For the non-smokers….stick with Lufthansa (have you SEEN thier legroom in economy?)…Acht du Lieben!
Blue skies & tailwinds everyone!
Smintair are giving people a choice. CHOICE – something that Governments around the world are Hell bent on taking away from people. Someone on here referred to ‘Militant’, I wholeheartedly agree!
If you want to smoke, fly with Smintair. If you don’t then don’t whinge, just go find another airline – there’s plenty around to accommodate non smokers. But how are all the whingers getting to the airport? By pedal bike, horse, foot? Nope, they’ll use gas guzzling vehicles which create horrendous pollution whilst still moaning about smokers! I know there are understanding non-smokers out there and apologies to you all as I’m not referring to you.
Anyway, well done Smintair……….I hope you are a great success and I for one will certainly use your service.