The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
CNN Leaves It There
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  1. duddits says:

    duddits-fairuse says, “I think CNN should search for a ‘How To Do Fact Checking Tutorial’ on the net.” LOL

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    Ha! Were any goats harmed during CNNs fact checking?

  3. Cirdan says:

    How can anyone take CNN seriously with that crap?

  4. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    I don’t watch CNN but their homepage is always full of irrelevant pop culture gossip, stupid videos, bad commentary, and links to something they call ‘iReport’ stories. It is become more and more like the National Inquirer every day.

    Why, just now I checked and the most important headline is that Marge Simpson is on the cover of Playboy. Woohoo!

  5. Chris Mac says:

    re: the link

    SN – Again.. thanks for nothing

    Dearest Regards,

    Editor’s Reply: How in the fuck is this my fault? Blame the morons at Viacom, not the idiots here.

  6. Phydeau says:

    That’s the media’s job now. Repeat what these guys say, repeat what those guys say. Don’t actually do any reporting because that requires actual, you know, reporters, and those cost money. Just repeat what both “sides” say. Then just leave it there, so to speak.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    @7 for the win

    “Just repeat what both ‘sides’ say.”

    I love how our media is so lazy that they try to sell us on the concept of “both sides” of a story or issue.

    As if there are only 2 possible viewpoints or as if, for example in politics, whatever the so-called “left” and so-called “right” have to say represent all possible viewpoints entirely.

    Really it’s rather disgusting actually.

  8. derspankster says:

    Alfred1 – you are beyond belief. You can’t be seriously calling the maniacal babbling Glenn Beck does daily “investigative reporting”?

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #8 Hmeyers…and they also assume that there are two sides to a story when in many cases there is just one side, and the nuts who oppose everything.

    CNN is over-reacting to the “liberal media” label.

    Alfred…your credibility here couldn’t drop much lower, but saying Beck is “investigative”? It’s always good to start the morning with a big laugh.

  10. The0ne says:

    Good episode 🙂 Love the CNN bit, especially the SNL part hahaha I can’t imagine a group actually analyzing the SNL skit. There is no BLACK Mr. Rogers…hahahahah *eyes watered*

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #9 Alf – Citing Glen Beck as a source. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa. I almost pee’d my pants. oh..wait..I did. Damn you’re funny.

  12. KingSlender says:

    @# 10 derspankster

    I’m assuming by your comments that you are just one of the lemmings jumping on the Beck bashing train, but has never actually watched his show for more than a few YouTube clips posted on HuffPo.

    I don’t agree with everything Beck says or does, but in outing people like Van Jones for the facade he was putting out there trying to hide his radical views – that is real journalism. It’s the same reason we all know Obama is a phony now saying he isn’t for single-payer when he is on camera 2 years ago saying “Single-payer is what I want.” I don’t know anybody in their 40’s who changes their ideology on something like that.

    Just the fact that CNN would let something like this get on the air without anyone saying “Hey, you know what, we’re fact checking a COMEDY show” just shows you how ingrained it is in the culture there to defend Obama.

  13. Dallas says:

    Jon Stewart rocks and the only person worth listening to at CNN is Anderson Cooper (and he;s pretty hot too). Even Wolf Blitzer is getting too weird for me and Nancy Grace is on the same drugs as Rush Fatass.

    Still, CNN is an order of magnitude better than Fox Spews

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #16 Alf – Stop. You’re killing me. HaHaHeeHeeHaa. You almost sound like you believe what you’re saying. Man, you are funnier than Jon Stewart ever thought he was. I haven’t laughed this hard since Nixon got ejected.

  15. The0ne says:

    “If you gent got your collective heads out of Pelosi’s ass, and watched Glens recent expose’ of Obama’s appointments…you would be concerned about his radicalism also…these appointments all seem connected to Soros and TIDES…”

    /points and laughs

    You seriously think he’s a raging lunatic (radical) because of just that? O.o He’s a fcking a-hole in general and I don’t care if he gets one or two things right. That is him, it’s not because someone pissed him off, it’s him pissing himself (pun intended).

    He’s no better than these other a-holes IMO..

    1. Christian Bale
    2. O’Reily
    3. Rush
    4. Martha Stewart
    5. Halley Barry (hit and run btch)
    6. Mariah Carey (Asian hating btch)

  16. qb says:

    #6 Chris Mac

    Um try the YouTube links that the editor provided. Use a public VPN so you look like you’re in the US. Use the InterGoogle thingie. Use the Comedy Network.

    Another Canadian

  17. qb says:

    #21 Wretched Gnu

    That was brilliant.

  18. Wretched Gnu says:

    qb — Don’t thank me, thank Beck. I get all teared-up when I think of all he’s done for us.

  19. bobbo, well, there are two types of people in the world says:

    Well, like him or not, Glenn Beck does provide a unique view on unique subjects. He was interesting when I first channel surfed on him 1-2 years ago part of his uniqueness is he is “crazy,” hypocritical, inconsistent ofttimes contradicting himself in the same sentence, and the CRYING. So–I don’t watch him now “but” I would take some of his “investigative pieces” as a starting point to confirm every single thing he says before forming any conclusions. Jon Stewart/Colbert have ripped him a few times. The symbolism of Rockefeller Center was especially humorous right from the start—but still interesting and unique.

    So, reasons to watch, reasons not to believe==to each his own.

  20. The0ne says:

    You couldn’t have stated it better. It is because of the reasons you stated that makes it hard to watch him. How the hell can you tell when he’s doing something legit or just faking it to get ratings? How can you tell if he’s not already contradicting himself or kissing ass.

    There are more questionable acts then there non and to me that’s SHOULD already be a good sign to anyone reasonable with common sense to ditch the program and listen to someone more consistent. It’s pathetic.

  21. deowll says:

    Beck may well be a nut but he does dig up the nasty facts while the elite media doesn’t even want to report the news until after everyone who cares already knows about it.

    You want to watch CNN? Fine it’s no better or worse than looking up freaky dog pictures on the net.

  22. derspankster says:

    KingSlender – actually, your assumption is wrong. I have and continue from time to time watch Glenn Beck. I would find the show amusing if it were not for the fact that many actually believe his rantings.

    I have found nothing journalistic as yet about the Glenn Beck show but I’ll continue to give him a chance when I have the stomach for it.

  23. The0ne says:

    That where he suddenly switch views as shown by an episode of The Daily show 😀 Funniest sht ever seeing Beck do a turn-around just like that. How many of us can change of viewpoints of critical concerns “just like that?” 🙂

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Pedro…when has Olbermann lied?

  25. sargasso says:

    Do these come with subtitles?

  26. bryanlyle says:

    The Daily Show is the best show on TV.

  27. Breetai says:

    Yeah! Fact check real news like! Cause their left wing propaganda is outta hand.

  28. qb says:

    #24 Wretched Gnu

    Seriously, that was Beck? Then the man is playing the right wing of America like a bunch of fools.

    I never watch the moron because I’m worried that he’ll somehow manage to eject bodily fluids through the TV into my living room. He sweats, spits, and cries out his own body weight every single day.

  29. MikeN says:

    CNN is too busy posting made up quotes supposedly said by Rush Limbaugh to do fact-checking.

  30. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:


    CNN and MSNBC both use live clips of Boss Limpdick spouting his nonsense. I don’t think fact checking comes better than that.


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