• Intel stock goes up.
  • MSFT sets patch Tuesday record.
  • iPhone starts car.
  • 12-year olds love Steve Jobs.
  • Look for the Ophone.
  • MySpace goes gah-gah over SSD.
  • Nokia down. I explain why.

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  1. Uncle Don says:

    It’s October 18th in Silicon Valley?

    I’m five days behind you here in Wisconsin and … did Apple bring out a quad-core iMac like all the rumors I’ve heard today predicted?

  2. amodedoma says:

    Dosn’t know if SSD is ready for data farming yet, but it did have to happen. AND yes the savings in electrical consumptions enormous Mr.D. This is a good thing somebody had to go first, and when the bugs get worked out maybe the rest of us mortals will be able to afford SSD (still more expensive yet I don’t know why. My hard drive is made of metal has a big motor and spins at over 7000 rpm, My SSD is mostly plastic, has no motors and looks like an overgrown camera memory, still the SSD cost me double a normal HDD. SSD’s are the future.

  3. Andy says:

    Am I the only one who read “Ophone”, and thought there would be an Oprah-phone?

  4. deowll says:

    I suspect that Jobs is one of the few names of living business people that a twelve year old might come up with.

    I do automatic updates.

    As long as the phone works and you can use it to get work done just like a small computer.

    SSD seems like a kind of high priced way to store large amounts of data. The stuff in short term storage maybe but I’m told flash memory tends of burn out after a lot of writes.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Does that mean that Steve Jobs’ Halloween Costume is going to be a Catholic Priest?


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