1. bobbo, well, there are two types of people in the world says:

    Well, its clear to me. What’s the issue?

  2. sargasso says:

    Tha autoplay video is unwelcome.

  3. chuck says:

    He says “let me be clear” just before he obfuscates.

    And he says “look” when he means that you’re stupid if you disagree.

  4. Dr Dodd says:

    Being clear… another Obama failure.

    Imagine that.

  5. Troublemaker says:

    What’s with the auto-play video? For a tech site you guys sure do fuck up a lot.

  6. Breetai says:

    The issue is it’s kinda like the peace prize to toss up the smoke and mirrors so that his boot lickers like the ones around here don’t notice his policies are absolutely unequivocally no different than Bush’s.

  7. deowll says:

    #3 Has my vote. When Obama says let me be clear watch out for dump truck load of obfuscation, prevarication, verbal slight of hand, and nothing what so ever being clear.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – chuck – He says “let me be clear” just before he obfuscates.

    It only appear that way to people with a very low IQ.

  9. ScotterOtter says:

    Wow, he does say that a lot. I guess I misunderestimated him

  10. JScott says:

    Autoplay is indeed annoying but it’s because WordPress doesn’t allow certain types of nested video embedding so you have to use a 3rd party service that formats the video this way. I have the same problem on my site (http://wuzhatnin.com) with just 1 non-youtube video. Youtube videos use friendly code that avoids that problem.

  11. JScott says:

    I think Obama’s phrase is a good drinking cue. Next time he does a state of the union, have a get together where everyone takes a shot when he says “Let me be clear.”

  12. Chris says:

    “Let me be clear” is just code for “Look, if you can’t understand what I’m saying, you’re a dumbshit.”

  13. chuck says:

    #8 – you forgot to start your post with “Look…”

  14. Great American says:

    As Joe Biden once said of Barry, “He’s clean and well spoken”. HAR!

    Conspiracists will say the phrase “Let me be clear” is a NLP technique.

    I suppose it’s a catchphrase that’s supposed to communicate forthrightness and honesty? Either it’s his version of the straight talk express or a reminder to himself not to meander like an academic (as he is wont to do when off script). Perhaps he’s just another politician trying to buffalo us?

  15. Buzz says:

    I notice that he uses variations on the verb “to be” a lot, too.

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    I think he should stick with the racial stereotype and revert to ‘”Let I be down wid j’all”. This has the dual advantage of being accessible to the street AND it will release the pent up rascism from the WASPy teabaggers.

    Seriously, hes a salesman. What do you expect? He’ll try any manipulative catchphrases that work. As long as the banks and corporations control government, a salesman is all your gonna get for President.

  17. chuck says:

    For such a “clean and well spoken” guy he says “gonna” a lot when he means “going to”.

  18. sam says:

    “you can bank on it” I would like to remind all you blacks commit murder seven times the white rate armed robbery eight times the white rate. And are 42% of prison population whites are only 40%. Yes you can “google that”.

  19. addicted2tv says:

    at least he knows how to pronounce nuclear and he doesn’t the fucking straw man argument in every speech.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    Obama is an exceptionally clear leader. The Republicans intentionally mis-understand and lie their heads off.

  21. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #3 Chuck

    If by obfuscates you mean saying something that may in some way be technically true but incredibly dishonest at the same time, then yes, I agree. Obama is very good at obfuscating reality.

  22. Cursor_ says:

    This is no more than the Ronald Reagan “Well” to start off a diatribe.

    I wonder why people get all bent out of shape when they see Obama on the TV all the time, when Reagan was the same way.

    Who cares what they say. They cannot make the Republic better, they can only make it worse or toe the line.

    Until you all start actually taking up the business of changing the nation personally, you get what you deserve. You cannot be lazy and vote people to change things when it is very clear they like it the way it is.


  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    It seems to me the tea baggers get their shorts in a knot over the little things and don’t give a rat’s patootee about the big things. As long as everything goes their way they are happy.

    “Let me be clear” is simply a pattern of speech used by the President. So get a life morans.

  24. LotsaLuck says:

    Why is it that all the lefties here must rush to 1) trash Bush and 2) defend Obama regardless of how tiny of a jab the story makes at the president?

    If your skin is really that thin then you have no business discussing politics.

    And btw, the AP, which did this story, is not widely known to be part of the vast right-wing conspiracy…


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