Family life faces State ‘invasion’

Government surveillance of all children, including information on whether they eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, will be condemned tomorrow as a Big Brother system.

Experts say it is the biggest state intrusion in history into the role of parents.

Changes being introduced since Victoria Climbie’s death from abuse include a £224 million database tracking all 12 million children in England and Wales from birth. The Government expects the programme to be operating within two years.

“They include consuming five portions of fruit and veg a day, which I am baffled how they will measure,” she said. “The country is moving from ‘parents are free to bring children up as they think best as long as they are not abusive or neglectful’ to a more coercive ‘parents must bring children up to conform to the state’s views of what is best’.”

  1. Tim Harris says:

    This word…Database…is being overused. For people to believe that records are “stored” I guess gives them more of a sense of false security as if the records are stored but never accessed. I doubt these governments are using databases for this stuff. They probably were 40 years ago, but I would not doubt the government is using more intrusive efforts to sift through the data.

  2. Matthew says:

    Hey! I could really use tracking like that for my dog.

  3. JimR says:

    Here we go again. Everyone gets penalized for the ignorance of a few.

  4. Mike says:

    What would do-gooders do if they didn’t have the government to force their nonsense on everybody else?


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