These are from a collection of images from assorted spacecraft we’ve launched to the planets and beyond.

  1. LDA says:

    Very impressive.

    P.S. – UPDATE 1-VeriChip shares jump after H1N1 patent license win.

  2. noname says:

    The middle one is hot!

  3. Improbus says:

    Best. CGI. Evar.

  4. LDA says:

    Can someone explain the first one?

  5. trirnoth says:

    LDA said, on September 22nd, 2009 at 6:16 am Can someone explain the first one?

    Sure, by clicking on the link to open the article ….
    “The robotic Cassini spacecraft which is now orbiting Saturn looked back toward the eclipsed Sun and saw a view unlike any other.”

  6. LDA says:

    # 5 trirnoth

    Explain, not describe. But thanks for the response.

    P.S. I had read the link and could probably find out more myself, but often people here are able to explain more efficiently.

  7. Pete says:

    The Sun is behind Saturn, so the rings are illuminated from behind. This reveals much more detail than would otherwise be seen. This sort of view is impossible from Earth. They had to position the spacecraft so the Sun was directly behind the planet (eclipsed).

    – Pete

  8. LDA says:

    #7 Pete

    Thank’s Pete.

  9. LDA says:

    – ‘

  10. noname says:

    # 6 LDA

    Explain is a perfectly acceptable synonym for Describe.

    Your question in # 4 LDA is open and vague. What do you want explained? That this is the first picture, that this is a picture …

    Give us a break, if you want a specific answer you will have to give a specific question.

  11. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    10 to 1 LDA is a woman.

    “Tell me what I want to know, and f*ck you if you get it wrong.” /// hah, hah.

    Well, that plus an abysmal ignorance of what is right in front of you with a link.

  12. gitmonorth says:

    Awesome, I wish they put up some decent resolution version we can really look at, these sub-640×480 pictures are hardly more than thumbnails… :/

  13. amodedoma says:

    Get the saturn picture FULLSIZE, it’s the latest edition to my wallpaper collection.

  14. bobbo, liberal, conservative and pragmatic says:

    Interesting, on my not perfect but usually ok monitor, the linked large picture is no where as beautiful as the small one at the header. Link is too dark loosing alot of detail. Photoshop might do something . . . . .

  15. soundwash says:

    wow, Saturn must have some MAJOR current flowing through it for the polls to be glowing like that.


  16. soundwash says:

    Oh btw, I almost forgot.

    NASA has been flat out lying to you for decades.

    For both, Kool-aid and non Kool-aid drinkers who wish to know how all the wonders of our solar system and The Universe actually work..

    ..head over to The Electric Universe’s
    TPOD Archive (The Picture Of the Day) section where you will find roughly five years of daily pictures accompanied by brief, simple, electrical explanations (almost all proven as well) of all that you see in the sky.

    With the major changes about to take place in our Solar system and on Earth, it is best you start learning now, the real how and why behind what is taking place.

    With Russia soon to announce a major
    discovery that will change the world forever. -NASA will be wearing a king sized omelet on it’s face.

    The gravity based universe model is drawing it’s last breath. -Don’t die with it.

    Even our ancient History will be changed.

    Remember, we have been taught a
    Mirror Image falsehood of not only how The Universe works and how it came to be, but also, much of our ancient history and Humanity’s beginnings. –

    To add insult to injury, much of what
    we are taught about how the geological formations on Earth are
    formed, are also false..a Mirror

    For your Earthly primer, The Dragonstorm Project does an excellent, pictorial job of illustrating what your toddlers will be taught in the *very near future*

    -the correct processes that created much of the geological formations we see here on Earth.

    Ancient History is repeating itself,
    only this time, it will not be denied.


  17. noname says:

    # 11 bobbo,

    bobbo hates women, must be gay.

  18. soundwash says:

    noname said:

    # 11 bobbo,
    bobbo hates women, must be gay.

    -or divorced.

    (and did not get the house)


  19. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Have you two ever dated? I actually start to laugh when on some “issue” the woman starts to pull the “guess what I’m thinking” routine. I guess guys do it too, but who cares?

  20. noname says:

    # 19 bobbo,

    “but who cares?”

    Why so mopy?

    Did we step on your girdle? Do you want us to apologize, will that make you feel better?

  21. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Nothing mopey about it. I thought your comments, both, were funny. As is mine. No apologies==congratulations.

  22. LDA says:

    #10 noname

    Pete managed to see the subtlety and ‘made plain’. Thanks for the insightful commentary nevertheless.


    I think we should see other people. It’s not you it’s me. Your great. Really.

  23. noname says:

    # 22 LDA,

    Impressive, you have mastered the art of double speak.

    Now try working on some honesty.


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