From the land of the talking toilet. Can’t wait until this starts selling on QVC and infomercials.

Ear Wax Camera/Cleaner

Put simply, this is one of the strangest gadgets we’ve come across. This device sports a camera/light at one end and a viewer at the other end — allowing users to see built-up ear wax. It’s powered by a single 9V battery and is made from anti-bacterial ASB resin/glass/stainless steel. Available now from Rakuten at the price of $87.

  1. Joe Dirt says:

    After you clean your ears, don’t forget your boogies!

  2. Steve Reno says:

    Not as crazy as it looks. I’ve had a problem with excessive wax buildup in my ears since my youth. I now must visit a doctor every six months to have my ear canals unclogged.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    Not as crazy as the home colonoscopy kit…

  4. 2xbob says:

    Ah the japanese, what will they think of next.

  5. catbeller says:

    The japanese just have a fetish about ear wax. Dunno why.

    But ask Penn Gillette. You can overdo the ear cleaning.


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