This ufo might be a fake

Want to detect the type IV extraterrestrial UFOs? Look for geomagnetic activity and mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds

Geomagnetic activity and mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds are clue to some of the spectacular UFO sightings. According to scientists, it happens before the UFOs are normally seen.

The time and scale size of planetary wave signatures (PWS) in the mid latitude F region ionosphere of the Northern Hemisphere and the main pattern of their possible sources of origin provides the ideal clue. Air Force and Space Agencies all over the world use these means to track, monitor and learn from these UFOs.

Huh. If that last line is true, then UFOs are real. What else aren’t we being told about? Now where’s my tinfoil hat…

  1. John Wofford says:

    The dish is a misdirection thing; the arm and hand belong to a giant alien on leave from his Borg mothership. Assimilation isn’t as all encompassing as originally thought.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    I believe that not all flying objects are identified. Does that mean I believe in UFOs?

  3. Randy says:

    “Air Force and Space Agencies all over the world use these means to track, monitor and learn from these UFOs.”

    Sightings and reports of unidentified flying objects are certainly real, as is the tracking of them. Spacecraft from alien species is however, unconfirmed.

  4. RSO says:

    C’mon Dvorak, please tell me you don’t buy into this bullcrap…

  5. Gary Marks says:

    It’s easy to dismiss the idea of alien life, but once you’ve seen the classic movie “Santa Claus Conquers Mars,” I think you’ll have a very different perspecitve. That was a documentary made back in the days before lying was invented.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    I was thinking more ‘Mars Needs Women.’

  7. Gary Marks says:

    Smartalex, I’ve been told that the Big Bang right next door to us was relatively unproductive, but the next Big Bang over sprouted a LOT of interesting life.

    The biggest word in the English language is “infinity.”

  8. Milo says:

    The aliens are smart enough to time their most of their visits with the geomagnetic activity and mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds. Another popular tactic is show a beer ad on the bottom of the ship!

  9. William Wise says:

    Errr…scientists “visit” amoeba in labs all the time along with bacteria, virii, etc. Trying to second guess the motivations of an advanced alien race, as you yourself point out, is an exercise in hubris and futility so why do you proceed to do exactly this by drawing conclusions as to what they might or might not find interesting? Your logic falls on its own sword basically.

    That said, this article is complete hogwash. Anyone who quotes India Daily is basically throwing red meat to wolves as it is on par with the National Enquirer. But John Dvorak or his minions would never do such a thing just to stir up trouble would they? 😛


  10. joshua says:

    I’m with you smartalix…..I so want them to be real.

    But, alas…this pic was photoshopped…

  11. MattH says:

    I used to be in the Air Force, and we had some wierd stuff happen a few times, like the time ‘something’ landed on our flightline that wasn’t supposed to. Er, well, hovered, not landed. I’m still a skeptic, but damn if it didn’t freak a lot of people out, (and I mean a lot, moslty higher-ranking nco’s, there were quite a few witnesses) and as far I know, still remains unexplained.

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    “But, alas…this pic was photoshopped”

    You are wrong, sir. This picture is completely undoctored in any way. The arm, hand and string were NOT added in Photoshop. THEY ARE REAL!!!! Nothing you say will convince me otherwise!

  13. Neal Saferstein says:

    A strange picture photoshopped on the internet!

    Not possible @!@!!@@!@!@!

    Neal Saferstein


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