
The unnamed mum-to-be – a teacher – is said to be defying medical advice by vowing to give birth to ALL six girls and six boys. If she succeeds, her brood – conceived after fertility treatment – will smash the world record for multiple births.

The tots’ father, identified only as Marwan, is backing her. He beamed: “In the beginning we thought that my wife would give birth to twins. “But more fetuses were discovered. Our joy increased with the growing number.”

He said his wife was determined to have a natural birth – but doctors had told her it was IMPOSSIBLE. British fertility experts warned the pregnancy in the Tunisian oasis town of Gafsa carried “colossal” risks. All nine babies born to the current record-holder – an Australian mum in 1971 – died in Sydney.

Shocked Dr Mark Hamilton, of the British Fertility Society, said: “Twelve babies seems extraordinary.” The mum-to-be, who is being constantly monitored by experts in her home country, is said to have insisted she is “feeling fine”.

She was also “looking forward to hugging her six boys and six girls”. The wife had sought help after previously suffering the anguish of several miscarriages. It was not clear if she had IVF treatment or an alternative procedure called ovulation induction treatment. IVF would have meant several eggs being fertilised outside the womb then implanted. OIT uses hormones to stimulate the ovaries so they produce eggs that can be fertilised the natural way.

When multiple eggs are involved, UK women opting for either procedure are offered the option of “selective reduction”. Some of the foetuses are aborted, so those left have a better chance of survival. This also reduces the risk to the mother. The Tunisian government is said to have pledged to do all it can to care for the mother and her babies.

When I see this crap, it becomes a day to day struggle NOT to give up on the human race.

  1. bobbo, whatever you are for, I'm against it says:

    How could one person’s decision be a judgment on the human race?? On every issue you can think of, the human race contains every single opinion on that subject that you can imagine.

    Publishing one opinion should not be so impactful.

    Where is that Death Panel when we need it?

  2. Alex says:

    Actually, now is precisely the wrong moment to give up on the human race.

    This person certainly isn’t. At this point, it becomes a numbers game.

    Science has allowed us to do some terrifically good things… but also some terrifically dumb ones. Prometheus stole fire from the gods, and was then burned by it.

  3. Sigma says:

    If you look this up on Scientific American, the mother has gone into hiding when she was asked to undergo a sonogram. She’s believed to be faking it as she claims to be 9 months along and (supposedly) looks nothing like she’s carrying 12 babies at 9 months.

  4. Sigma says:

    Sorry for the double post, I just went and found the Scientific American story, to be considerate and all that.

    Here’s the link: http://scientificamerican.com/blog/60-second-science/post.cfm?id=purported-dodeca-mom-delusional-pro-2009-08-19

  5. bobbo, whatever you are for, I'm against it says:

    Did she go into hiding, or just collapse?

  6. Benjamin says:

    She refused to take a pregnancy test. She might not even be pregnant. That story came out two days ago.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Tunisian?? “The Tunisian government is said to have pledged to do all it can to care for the mother and her babies.”

    What would that be, clean drinking water??

    I’m sure Sigma got it right.

  8. Cronjob says:


    Seriously, rather than spending tens of thousands of dollars simply to HAVE children that you can then spend millions raising, how about you be a good person and actually ADOPT a dozen or so children who HAVE NOBODY?!

    This kind of crap just makes me sick. And of course, these are always the same religious lunatics who talk about science going “against Gaaaaawd’s will” and being “unnatural”, yet all the IVF treatments are somehow an exception.

    Seriously, parents are selfish xerox machines to begin with, but at least I can sort of understand someone wanting to have one or two children if they can afford it (though they should adopt). But IVF treatment when you KNOW it often results in MANY children? Screw that.

    Time for my blood pressure meds before these poor excuses for members of the human race drive me through the roof.

  9. Mr Diesel says:

    #1 bobbo, whatever you are for, I’m against it said,

    “Where is that Death Panel when we need it?”

    HB3200 page 425

  10. jccalhoun says:

    Would it be cruel to create a special tax for fertility treatments? (and heck, why not totally elective plastic surgery) They have “sin tax” “luxury tax” on on certain things that people don’t need, so why not totally elective medical procedures?

  11. The0ne says:

    “When I see this crap, it becomes a day to day struggle NOT to give up on the human race.”

    Trust me there are far far more worst things humans have done compared to this. Google fetus eating and enjoy.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Mr. Diesel,

    Bullshit. When a Bill is introduced it does not have page numbers. All Bills use the division method of Section, Paragraph, etc to denote special items. If you found something on page XXX then it is someone else using their own numbering system. In this case, it appears you are just quoting someone else.

    Here is the House Bill 3200 as it appears to the House.


    However, this is the entire page 425 as it appears at

    I read nothing in this about your “Death Panels”. Have you been reading too many of Alphie’s posts? They will do that to you.


  13. Mr Diesel says:

    #12 Mr Fusion

    Ordinarily I might take offense but not from you. Sorry, when I load up the file it is a PDF and it has page numbers.

    The search you cited has expired. It is Section 1233 Advance Care Planning Consultation.

    Now, I have said before in other posts that I thought that “Death Panels” were just inflammatory made up crap but that is the section the are referring to.

    I posted the entire section on an advisory panel making decisions based on costs for something like serious heart issues. If I had been under Obomba Care I’d probably be dead right now since I would have not been able to wait for the treatment for my heart problem or sat around while some board discusses it.

    Sorry, I should have known better than to trust a PDF file and I should have posted the section of the bill.

  14. jescott418 says:

    Hey can you blame her. All this country seems interested in is these freakish baby makers who for some unexplained reason decide to have one more and get a whole lot more then that! As we have seen with John And Kate. Having more does not make for a happy family. The Duggers are just procreate nut jobs who seem to enjoy the burden of having kids.
    Maybe their should be a law to prevent anyone from using fertilization procedures if they already have at least one child. At least the Duggers are doing it the old fashion way! Octo mom is just someone who is infatuated with being a mother. I think it must be from not being loved as a child. She needs lots of reinforcement and the feeling of being needed. She needed mental help and not a bunch of kids. No one can say that these situation only affect them. They affect many in their lives and outside of their lives. But more importantly these kids may in the end suffer because of a mother and or Father who failed to properly think this decision through.

  15. Satchmo Bevins says:

    This story = sign of the apocalypse

    To #8 Cronjob: Word.

    Good Idea: IQ/SAT/APP tests for all who want to breed. Fail and you can forget about offspring.

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    # 15 Satchmo Bevins said,

    “Good Idea: IQ/SAT/APP tests for all who want to breed. Fail and you can forget about offspring.”

    Unfortunately eugenics isn’t a good idea is it? I remember something about a little dictator trying it a few decades back over in Europe cause that’s what we are talking about.

    Much as I find that fat lipped cunt repellent (Octo) to the nth degree, I don’t want to stop her from having more kids by giving her IQ tests.

    It’s just sad.

  17. Tired Canadian says:

    Its all a fake. Woman is crazy. The story was in my local newspaper. Yay for the StarPhoenix and yay for newspapers that still slaughter trees by the millions just so we can read about insane fake pregnant chicks and Garfield ! Double yay for Garfield !! Thanks and have a swell day.

  18. Dale says:

    Pro-lifer’s wet dream come true…what’s the opposite of abortion?

  19. ECA says:

    Are we TRYING to change into DOGS??
    Multiple births, and 8 teats??

  20. deowll says:

    I do believe this story was discredited before it was posted. I didn’t read any of the articles about her because they weren’t that interesting to me but I did note the titles.

  21. nunyac says:

    I think that the Sun has it wrong. I suspect that the “World Record” for mamals over 50# is probably held by an Irish Setter.


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