• MySpace buys iLike.
  • iPhones exploding in Europe. Could it be the EU version?
  • Liskula Cohen gets to the bottom of the skankanator.
  • MSFT partners complaining about attack on Word.
  • Linux support to get to $1 billion.
  • Fake DNA evidence can be done.
  • Apple 9-9-9 announcement sounds like it is Beatles-related.
  • EU dropping 18 million Euros for LTE advanced.
  • Show brought to you by Squarespace at www.squarespace.com use the code TECH.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. bkbarrett says:

    How about fixing the “click to listen” for “Tech 5”.

    I thought you folks supported Firefox, which is my primary browser. In order to get the option to play to come up in Firefox, for Tech 5, I have to use IE Tab.




    It seems that I have to use IE Tab in order to get the reply “Submit” button to appear.


    [All the editors use FireFox and it works fine for us. – ed.]

  2. pecker says:

    It sounds like you may have ‘Shockwave Flash’ disabled within Firefox – the embedded player works fine for me. Look in Preferences -> Manage Add-ons (under ‘main’ tab) -> Shockwave Flash (under ‘plugins’ tab)
    Hope this helps.

    As for the ‘Submit’ not working – not really sure about that, maybe you have java-script disabled or something.

    If you cant get either of these to work i’d re-install firefox. Honestly, DU site works fine, your browser must be poked.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    EU dropping 18 million Euros for LTE advanced.

    No wonder Ericsson bought Nortel’s LTE assets.

  4. deowll says:

    Thanks John. Every time I hear about that price for a web site it reminds me again that I don’t want these people running my government.

    They may be great at running for office and want to do the right thing but as administrators the word incompetent is a complement.

  5. Uncle Don says:

    If there is a Beatles iPod, I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment getting one.

  6. Family Lawyer says:

    What more can anyone say to convince you to not add audio clips taken from “Family Guy”? They make your professional presentation seem rather hokey, and listening to them is extremely annoying, not to mention distracting, while adding absolutely no value, and yet you seem insistent in going beyond the fair use sea shore where she sells stolen goods, into the sailing the dangerous waters near the treacherous bay of pirates.

  7. bkbarrett says:


    Appreciate your suggestion.

    Checked, and shockwave flash is enabled.

    I also have trouble with the connections to Dvoraks PCMag and Marketwatch columns. I had to set my own up my own links via bookmarks.

    The problems seem to have originated when they made the switch to the new page layout some time ago. It almost appears that they didn’t get everything reset.

    If anyone can recommend any other setting to check, they would be appreciated also.


  8. joaoPT says:

    Upgrade FFox (better still, remove ffox and reinstall a clean one), check if you are using any Script blocking extension like NoScript, AdBlocker or such.
    Even though it’s a long shot check your hosts file, maybe it’s blocking the mevio site.
    If you don’t know what it is, leave it alone.

    Now to you John:
    the iPhone uses triband GSM, so one iPhone bought in the US can be used in Europe, it’s the same hardware.

    OOHOOO! the yellow submarine iPod.

    18 Mil. Euros is 25.6 Mil. dollars… not the same thing…

  9. t0llyb0ng says:

    The Liskula Cohen episode is extremely annoying. Am I the only one who hears alarm bells going off? She found a moronic judge to make a moronic ruling & Google caved—immediately. Goog should have fought it all the way up the line to the Supremes. Do they want to be inundated with offended people wanting to know the identities of supposedly anonymous bloggers? Anonymous posters will be next. Lawyers will be delighted to make the motions & know-nothing judges will blithely make their bonehead rulings. The Web is too big for this to start happening. But it will happen & ruin everything, eventually. “Free speech” my ass.

  10. Jeroen says:

    as Tom Merrit, the doppelganger from the UK and PhD. in genetics, pointed out in Buzz Out Loud 1045 (time 36:35):
    natural DNA is methylated ( a chemical process done by the cell to prevent certain genes from being activated when not needed) and DNA created by scientists is not methylated. a simple test can show the difference.


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