Baffled religious leaders in India have been swamped by a bizarre new transvestite cult for men to live as a Hindu love god.

Thousands of devotees are now dressing up as Radha – the goddess lover of Krishna – like retired railwayman V K Saxena, 72.

“I can’t put it into words properly but I feel more holy dressed as a woman,” said Saxena of New Delhi. “The Lord told me he wanted me as his bride.”

But the cult has astonished traditional religious leaders.

Senior priest Mohammad Ahangar said: “There are many ways to be closer to the Lord without trying to be his girlfriend.”

  1. jbenson2 says:

    With some help from PhotoShop, check out the John Dvorak Krishna goddess.

  2. cornholer says:

    Looks like a san francisco board of supervisor member…

  3. sargasso says:

    #31. Awesome!

  4. I’m sure somewhere on the temples of Khajuraho are images of guys just like these guys.

    Senior priest Mohammad Ahangar said: “There are many ways to be closer to the Lord without trying to be his girlfriend.”

    Tell that to the nuns of the world Mohammad.

  5. bobbo, everything new is old says:

    #34–Scott==that shows a religion I could get behind.

    Funny how language comes in and out of fashion. The wheel rolls. Today, we speak of “woodies” but some day soon, we may return to speaking of “stoners.”

    ——but we certainly aren’t animals.

  6. meetsy says:

    and this is different from the women in this country who claim they are MARRIED to Jesus?
    At least these guys are more colorful…

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    (Man, talk about spreading acronyms! I’m almost afraid to order a BLT sandwich any more!) What puzzles me about this is why the sudden increase? Is it just people saying “Why didn’t I think of that?” or is it something in the water?

  8. #35 – bobbo,

    Me too. I think we need to redefine the word sexist to simply mean one who believes in sex or possibly one who worships the idea sex.

    Already, I’m sure there are a great many who pray for sex, so this shouldn’t be a huge stretch.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    The great thing about human sexuality, there’s no limit to how wierd it can get.


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