Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School will be the site of a National Guard riot control drill Thursday morning to prepare in the event of a panic over distribution of serum to treat the swine flu.

The school on Route 26 at the Paris-Norway [Maine] town line has been designated by state officials as a distribution site for the H1N1 flu vaccine. The drill is to prepare for a worst-case scenario should the serum have to be transported from Augusta and people rush to get it.

On Thursday morning, four or five National Guard Humvees will travel from Augusta to Paris with vials of fake serum. The National Guardsmen will take on the roles of panicked citizens and military police and practice what they would do, such as using tear gas, in the case of a riot.
Plans were developed in April to have vials of serum sent from the federal government to Augusta, Parker said. From Augusta, the supplies will be transported to designated distribution centers.

During the April conference, concerns were raised about a possible out-of-control rush on the serum, Parker said. Because of that concern, Gov. John Baldacci and Gen. John Libby, adjutant general of the Maine National Guard, agreed that a plan should be devised to quell such a disturbance.

And just for Adam Curry, here is “evidence” that the Illuminati, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group in collusion with the drug companies are behind the swine flu epidemic. Why? To depopulate the US so third world countries can gain control via the U.N.

both found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. LDA says:

    # 19 Mr. Fusion

    Fair enough. I do read my comments before pressing submit, however I did not refer back to my previous one. So in the spirit of reconciliation, perhaps we are both being pompous, insulting, bastards.

    I stand by the rest (except he 45 number).

    # 20 (same)

    Perhaps. Until we know the cause I can not be sure. The increase in autism is real. The (sometimes) irrational search by parents of sufferers is understandable. The fear of H1N1 is also understandable, it is however statistically irrational (currently).

  2. deowll says:

    To #4 I think it’s only fare to point out that the Obama administration has used the same ploy several times this year and tried to use it with the health care bill so it really isn’t the last time that ploy was used.

    I agree the results have been staggeringly bad legislation in all such cases in which Congress has abdicated their Constitutional responsibilities.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, Phydeau,

    Good reference. BUT, plainly put, I am not a biologist so I can not pass judgment upon this article and what it means. I do agree with your point about “a few”.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, doill,

    Most cases are mild and people just stay home for a few days.

    As of August 14, there were 436 deaths in the US and Flu season hasn’t hit yet.

    Even if the strain does mutate, a vaccination will lessen the impact of the illness. It is only when the strain mutates a lot that the immunization doesn’t work. And sometimes a little is much better than nothing.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, LDA,

    When an argument or opinion is backed up with factual reasoning, I enjoy them, regardless if I disagree. Since our first disagreement you have explained yourself well and I appreciate your position.

    I tip my hat (ancient saying) to you sir.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, doill,

    Here, let me fix that for you.

    “The results have been disappointing when the right wing nuts have had to resort to making stuff up in order to rebut something they don’t have any true argument against.”

    There, much better.


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