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Sarah Palin blows fairy dust at Republican true believers

Just one week after Sarah Palin stepped down as governor of Alaska, Alaskan lawmakers succeeded in overriding her veto of federal stimulus dollars.

The legislature has voted 45-15 in favor of overturning the former governor’s veto of more than $28 million in Recovery Act funds targeted toward energy efficiency projects.

The Alaska legislature met for a one-day special session in Anchorage. Heading into the vote, Rep. Mike Hawker, who voted in support of finally accepting the stimulus funds, anticipated a close decision, coming down to a couple of votes either way…

State lawmakers dispute Palin’s objections to the stimulus money. In a letter to Alaska House Finance Committee Co-Chair Rep. Mike Hawker and obtained by CNN, the Department of Energy wrote that the Alaska legislature “does not need to adopt, impose and enforce a statewide building code” in order to qualify for the energy funds.

Palin originally threatened to reject more than $400 million of the state’s $930 million share of the stimulus package. Eventually Palin signed off on all but the three percent under consideration Monday by state lawmakers.

Another 14th Century mind in a 20th Century Republican skull.

  1. qb says:

    #30 Alfred1 said “Palin’s one hot momma…she’s got my vote”

    OK, I just ate supper. Easy stomach, easy….

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    >> Another 14th Century mind in a 20th Century Republican skull.

    But it’s the 21st Century right now. So she’s 100 years off?

  3. qb says:

    Paris Hilton or Sarah Palin? Which one would be higher maintenance?

  4. waltersobchack says:

    Her face might be cute but I bet her giant pussy lips flap around like the stars and stripes in a stiff wind.

    Anytime a woman has that many kids its like tossing a hot dog down a hallway. Even if she had a c-section, Todd pulverized those meat-curtains into hamburger a long time ago.

    Nice visuals eh? I’d still tap that ass though, even if it is like fucking a cup of water.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Whoopie Do. She held back on all of a lousy 3% the federal funds. Probably just to make a name for herself as a “reformer”. And left office, so they could overturn her 3% veto. Probably planned it that way. Or maybe she was threatened somehow, if she did vamoose. One wonders who she would have turned her VP job over to, after it got a bit too tough (or dangerous) for her?

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    #36, Walter, haha

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, good,

    And also, I see that Palin is still on the lefts ‘must destroy’ list, why is that? She’s not on the political radar and she’s not jeopardizing anyone’s position in congress or anywhere else.

    Wrong. She is in the news simply because she adds such stupid comments her base loves. Too many hold her up still as a viable alternative to the Republican leadership. There are still retards not too bright people like faxon, Alphie, and possibly yourself that worship whatever she is defecating that day.

    I hope she remains around as she symbolizes the New Republican Party. The same party of radicals that disenfranchise the moderates and drive both them AND the Independents to the Democrats. Her ilk will allow the center to govern for many years. The more radical statements she comes out with, the more everyone else will associate, quite rightly, with the Republican wing nuts extremism.

    Love her or leave her. There is a benefit for the Democrats and radicals if she stays. Only her Palinettes won’t let her go.

  8. Dallas says:

    I must admit Palin and the Republican mob has done a good job to poison the Healthcare debate with lies and then assume to drown out townhall discussions with yelling and screaming.

    The money trail leading to the Health Insurance industry is locked deep in Cheney’s personal bunker.

    The Obama ‘granma death panel’ is now the line pushed Newt Gingrich alongside Moosalini.

    Sick but effective.

  9. yes sir that’s my baby says:

    yup, our former Governor Sarah impeached us Alaska Citizens we were not living up to her expectations we just were not good enough for her maybe some place like Utah, Idaho, FNC or the anarchy of Somalia will be Red enough to keep her happy. Now Parnell can quietly get on with running the state.

  10. deowll says:

    Um, I think Palin was right. They will end up with that building code. They may be able to jimmy with it a bit but I don’t think they will have an option.

    #42 The problem was the Alaskan law that meant the Governor was wide open to being harassed unendingly and at great personal legal cost by anyone with a little money and a grudge. I doubt if you have seen the last of that. It’s too easy to do.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, Alphie,

    As usual, Palin is still wrong. I checked out just one footnote and found it was taken totally out of context and his meaning is opposite what Palin’s quote suggests.


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