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Lately it seems that all you have to do to keep up in tech is to read the legal pages.

.xxx porn domain sparks legal battle

The recent rejection of a dedicated .xxx domain for porn sites has prompted the company behind the plan, ICM Registry, to launch a legal attack against the US Department of Commerce.

ICM claims that the Department of Commerce intervened in Icann’s consideration of the .xxx domain proposal and exerted political influence to have the plan rejected.

Why not have an .xxx domain for pr0n? Why impose our morals on the rest of the internet-using world?

  1. James, age 14 says:

    I have an idea! Put adult Internet content in a special domain, or give it some kind of special electronic mark, and require Internet browsers to have a special content blocker. Turning it off would require a password. Problem solved.

    Hillary Clinton has it right about about preventing minors from purchasing violent video games. Maybe next she can help stop minors from getting abortions!

  2. Thomas says:

    James, there is a simple reason why your idea won’t work. The porn industry would be under absolutely no obligation nor incentive to switch their domains nor incorporate your special marker. If you require them to do so, you would be requiring Congress to decide on what is and is not pornography.

    The .xxx domain is a stupid idea because it is entirely unenforceable.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    the best porn sites are the ones that doesn’t have any spyware that wants to install on your compie upon opening that web site.

  4. RBG says:

    “Why impose our morals on the rest of the internet-using world?”

    Easy. As long as you disagree with sex with animals, children, dead bodies who leave written permission, you’ve answered your own question. It’s all a matter of where you draw the line. But it is a line you will draw.


  5. James, age 14 says:

    #2 So true. The whole idea is based upon the notion that the government would dare to contradict the powerful media and entertainment industry which touts international viewing, mass popularity, and billions of dollars in revenues. Politician depend on them in more ways than you can imagine.

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Hillary Clinton has it right about about preventing minors from purchasing violent video games. Maybe next she can help stop minors from getting abortions!

    James, why would or should Senator Clinton stop a minor from getting an abortion? It is a perfectly legal and accepted, by a majority of Americans, medical procedure. Your former comment is about the protection of minors, the latter sounds like the control of minor’s bodies.

  7. TKane says:

    There’s no reason to think the smut perveyors wouldn’t want to use this domain – If you’re looking for this stuff you should make every effort to make it easy to find. If you sell this stuff for money, defining your content as pornography really isn;t all that difficult is it? An Internet red-light district isn’t the same in a virtual world, after all. There is no question of restriction of speech, just one of channeling content.

    That being said, it might actually be simpler to go in another direction. If you’re really concerned about porn, ask for browsers or firewalls that would restrict access to TLD’s now, and then simply filter the .COM domain. Yeah, that would block a huge portion of the web, but it would shut out alot of porn. It might make alot of commercial ventures take notice too.

  8. TKane says:

    Fusion, by definition, minors have only a limited set of rights. Protecting children from the burdens of adulthood is the responsibility of an adult. We have child labor laws, and for good reason; children cannot protect themselves, and do not have the physical stamina to do adult labor. Likewise children cannot protect themselves sexually and do not have the stamina to bear and raise children. The term ‘control’ does not apply in dealing with minors; it is protection. It is the responsibility of the parent, or in their absence, the state, to protect children. This includes preventing pregnancy and hopefully, preventing any sexual activity. Children have far better things to do than engage in sex and bear children. Likewise children don’t need help sating their curiosity; titillation doesn’t sate curiosity, but enflames it beyond its natural state. Children need help enguaging their curiosity. Does porn engauge it? Does abortion engauge it?

    And abortion is no more safe than any other operation. How many people are suffering from illnesses that are preventable, through lifestyle change? Well why should this apply only to smokers, the obese, drub abusers, etc?

    Control – BAH! How about – common sense?

  9. Rebel says:

    I see an xxx domain as another way for somebody to stuff their pockets with money and have no real effect on internet porn. The only way to ‘control’ what our kids see and do on the Internet is to start at home.

  10. forrest says:

    I agree with #9.

    You can all the controls in place to prevent children from accessing unsuitable content, but there is just too much controls to have and pretty much impossible. A lot of parents place the responsibility of this on the industry and/or on government. However, parents really have to communicate with their children about what’s appropriate and what their children are not allowed to do online, anywhere…not just at home. It’s not any different then speaking to them about what to avoid in the non-online world.

  11. david says:

    Porn is a pathological symptom of disease. That disease is unfullfillment of men’s sexual pleasures. If every man’s sexual needs were fulfilled with what God provided us to deal with it, WOMEN, then there would be NO porn. Like everything in society only symptoms are dealt with and not the CAUSE of that symptom.

    Let’s have an open discussion with women to find out what THEIR needs are. I believe the only way to cure society of disease is to get men and women fucking like rabbits with no emotional guilt. Why would a woman want to be loved by only the One when she can be loved by the Many? She feels this way because she doesn’t understand sex. Or love, for that matter.

  12. Thomas says:

    So, how do you explain porn geared towards women and gay men?

  13. Rebel says:

    #11 … a disease?

    I think the study has been done and it’s because of our social upbringing and church, state and society. As children we are basically told that naked people are bad to look at and we’ll go to hell and all that stuff – and we basically want to see it out of spite. Or something like that anyway – been a long time since I read the article. It’s the reason other societies and cultures aren’t hung up on a pair of tits like north american’s are – they see it in their everyday surroundings, so it’s not a big deal.


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