Books George Hamilton

Tanning beds are as deadly as mustard gas, arsenic, plutonium and other known carcinogens, international cancer experts have ruled. The International Agency for Research on Cancer yesterday moved UV tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation to its highest cancer risk category, removing any ambiguity about their threat by labelling them “carcinogenic to humans.”

The move was based on a comprehensive review of studies, which found the risk of skin melanoma increases by 75 per cent when the use of tanning devices starts before the age of 30. The report, by the agency’s Cancer Monograph Working Group, was published online Tuesday in the medical journal Lancet Oncology. The agency is the cancer arm of the World Health Organization.

Until now, ultraviolet radiation and UV tanning equipment have been classified as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” The new classification places them alongside other known cancer-causing agents, including asbestos, benzene and the human papillomavirus. Cancer experts and advocacy groups welcomed the elevated classification. “This is important … it is another piece of evidence one can point to from a very conservative and eminent body,” said Dr. David Hogg, a cancer physician at Princess Margaret Hospital. “It doesn’t change my opinion, which is tanning beds are a dangerous carcinogen and should not be used at all.

C’mon, did anyone really believe these things were safe?

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    White people trying to be black. Michael Jackson did have a point there when responding to a challenge about his own skin discoloration.

  2. Who causes cancer says:

    Har. Look at the source of this crap, “The agency is the cancerous arm of the World Health Organization.”

  3. amodedoma says:

    Tanning, sounds like something you’d want to do with leather or something. From what I’ve seen of people who tan regularly it turns the skin to leather. Personally I like skin that’s been protected against UV, smooth, minimal wrinkling. My skin can’t take the sun anymore and anything less than a 50+ blocking factor and I get a rash.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    My doctor thinks it is insane for white people to use tanning beds.

    He didn’t mention plutonium, though.

  5. Improbus says:

    Tobacco products are still legal too.

  6. Black is the new White says:

    um hum. So?

  7. gunvaldr says:

    I’ve heard from a reliable source that the sun causes cancer. I vote we block out the sun and remove this scourge from our lives completely.

  8. Schorschi says:

    Recently Germany banned people under 18 from visiting tanning salons. Can’t go if you’re under 18, not even with parental consent.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    tanning beds, the george forman grill for white people.. 🙂

  10. The0ne says:

    It’s RICH white people. Get your facts straight! 🙂 I can see the RICH White community here scoffing this off and continue to tan themselves. Natural selection at it’s best! 😀

  11. deowll says:

    Find an old farmer and look at the skin that was exposed all those years. Then look at the skin on his back or stomach or his legs. Heavy exposure to UV ruins your skin.

  12. Animby says:

    # 7 gunvaldr said, “I vote we block out the sun and remove this scourge from our lives completely.”

    A secondary benefit would be an end to global warming! Done!

  13. soundwash says:

    lol… I love all the storm of studies coming out that

  14. Gasbag says:

    So why is George still alive and kicking?

  15. Improbus says:


    He isn’t … he is a reanimated corpse. Undead so to speak.

  16. Winston says:

    Oh, great! Kim read that plutonium bit and now North Korea is manufacturing tanning beds for export to the US!

  17. Floyd says:

    #14,#15: You have a point. Note how fossilized George Hamilton looks on that book cover. I’m not sure he’s even alive. I’m also not sure whether he actually was an actor at some time or is just a “celebrity” that makes the rounds of the late night talk shows.

  18. Speter says:

    Sunshine(UVB – not A) causes your skin to create Vitamin D3, this in turn prevents cancers and many more diseases.

    If you look at the stats, the highest incidence of cancers is AWAY from the equator where people are exposed to less natural sunlight.

    Avoid getting burnt but don’t shut the sun out of your life especially during midday hours. you want to get enough sun exposure to turn a light shade of pink (each day), any more could cause melanoma but as far as cancers go it is a milder form and more easily detectable and treatable alot of the time. increase in vitamen d production will prevent far more cancers than not doing it an prevent only one.

    Its all about balance people.

    If you must use a tanning bed, use a safe one.

    read up on the reasons why here and here.

    “While most tanning systems make use of magnetic ballasts that emit cancer-causing electromagnetic field (EMF) rays, a few is designed with electronic ballasts that are safer to use.”

  19. Amadeo says:

    There is only one safe alternative to tanning beds and it is NOT outdoor tanning. Some states are considering laws to restrict use of tanning beds. To find out more, go to


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