TMZ obtained this photo of the Apple co-founder leaving company headquarters in Cupertino, California around 3:00 PM (Wednesday).
It’s the first time we’ve seen Jobs back in action since January, when he took a leave of absence for a liver transplant. Jobs has reportedly been back at work for about a month.
Har! John keeps asking for a photo of Steve Jobs back at Apple.
Yep, that’s Apple all right. Been there, know the campus.
Legit photo.
Good for Steve. I hope he gets back to a normal weight soon.
Death watch. He looks like shit.
Man get sick….stays home.
Man gets better….goes back to work.
Big f’n deal.
Doesn’t that guy in the white clothes look like nurse/bodyguard. Weird guys. So Jobs is still alive. Next subject.
You would think that Apple would have used an iPhone with video so that the iPhone would get some love from this story. I question weather Steve is really in charge. He would have never let this happen on anything other than a 3Gs.
#5 Moe, that’s the head of design, Jonathan Ive.
A few years back, a really good friend of mine had liver disease. He needed a transplant. He did not get one. None available for over a year. He died. Stevie poo needs a transplant, gets in his private jet, goes to f’ing TENNESSEE, for Christ’s sake, because for some reason the state is lousy with extra working livers from convicts or something, and a couple of months later, he is back in his dumb black shirt and blue jeans, and everyone is OOOHing and Aaaahing. My friend was as good or better a person than Sir Jobs. But he did not have a private jet. Oh, and Jobs doesn’t have to worry about affording his health insurance copays, does he?
I’d lean towards bodyguard, given the untucked shirt. Helps with conceal carry that way.
He looks like he weighs about 100 lbs.
Looks like the Abbey Road cover. Maybe Steve is leaving Apple to work on his music career.
#8 If your friend had a privet jet and billions of dollar would he have not use it to live?
#8, KTVU, that’s so interesting. I had no idea a private jet is the only way to get to Tennessee.
I am sorry your friend didn’t get a liver in time, but possibly there weren’t any compatible for him a year ago… even in Tennessee. Unless Jobs used his influence and money to push someone less wealthy aside to get his liver, he deserves, and has every right to it.
#8. anyone with compatible blood type can be a donor. Could be a family member or friend.
But if you insist, think of the worst possible scenario.
#13 One. You think this guy took the BUS??? You actually think that this guy did NOT use his influence and money to get a liver that a poor person would never receive? Boy! You ARE naive. Why does he deserve it more than somebody with less fame and wealth??? Same thing Mickey Mantle did, years ago. But you wouldn’t know about that, would you?
#14 Gee. You mean a friend can donate my his liver? Wow. Or a family member. Gosh. How nice of them to give up their whole fucking liver so I can design stupid toys.
KTVU we are sorry for your loss but the answers you are obviously searching for cannot be found here. Keep posting on this thread if you wish but something tells me that posting is not going to make your loss go away.
i say it was photoshopped
Best of luck to him. Again, I hope none of the smart asses here have to go through what he’s gone through.
#16. You only have to donate a portion of your liver.
Become more useful to this world and educate yourself.
Picture quality is crap. Yep, it was taken by an iphone.
OK, so? Good for him but this is not news! Not to me at least.
I hope the guy survives, but lets not forget who Jobs is. He might be good for Apple, but a great humanitarian he ain’t. There is a lot of people out there he has crossed that didn’t wish him so well. I don’t know why fanboys worships this guy that wouldn’t toss you a bottle of water if you were dying of thirst, even if you had a $5K receipt from an Apple Store on you.
Jealousy is not becoming to anyone!
KTVU, since you are pointing your finger in accusation…
Why couldn’t your friend take the bus to wherever the livers were available?
If he couldn’t afford even that, why didn’t you, as a friend, buy him the ticket?
Were you phoning around and searching for him to find a liver?
Did you check to see if you were compatible?
You are on the same ladder as the rest of us. There are people below you who go without because you are wealthier than them. You eat when others below you can’t buy food. You sleep in a be when someone below you sleeps on the street.
Why? Because you drove your private car all the way to Walmart and bought a bed and a bag of Spaghetti.
Medical science is on the verge of some really cool stuff. Like growing you a new liver from your own stem cells.
isn’t it too hot to wear a turtle neck sweater this time of year in California?
# 11 “Looks like the Abbey Road cover.”
daed si evetS
#8 Well, your friend didn’t invent the iphone and all that wonderful stuff from Apple. Don’t you dare to compare him with sir Steve. They/we would choose Steve over your friend.