The first section is about Lou Dobbs’ bizarre “tea bagging queen” comment. After that is about The Family and their taxpayer funded activities.

  1. cornholer says:

    you mean like funding abortions all around the world?

  2. ramuno says:

    #1, Are you saying that there is a secret organization of U.S. Congresspeople using shell non-profit orginzations to fund abortions around the world?

  3. cornholer says:

    I cant believe either the dems or repubs would spend US tax dollars to support a personal ideology outside the US. Sorry, don’t believe it…

  4. Reganvelter says:

    James Inhoffe and Tom Coburn listed in the Douchebaggery dicktionary.
    Wasting Taxpayer dollars to promote Their collective World view of Tyrrany in the name of Jesus,Hitler,Mao and Bin Laden.
    How are these People not on the Terrorist watch list?

  5. arpie says:

    Ok, disclaimers first. I am absolutely opposed to mixing religion and government. That being said, I like to try to see things from different perspectives. So, I think these guys probably sincerely believe that if you don’t believe in Jesus you’re going to hell, and/ or the rapture will come and you will be condemned to suffering while they go on to heaven to essentially become celibate cloud-hugging hippies (or whatever they think would happen in the mothership). In their eyes, there’s probably no question they are absolutely doing a good thing, however they can, to try and save other people. They probably can’t understand why anyone, unless they’re the spawn of the devil, would oppose that.

    So of course it follows that it’s no big deal to break the law, lie, con, cheat, etc. since these are minor relatively harmless actions compared to the absolute major good they are trying to accomplish.

    Of course, if you check the basics and agree that it sounds crazy to actually believe, that literally “a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree” it follows these guys are probably deranged and should be locked up in an institution.

  6. Hyph3n says:

    Considering that Sen. Ensign (the latest congressman caught with a mistress) was also a member of “The Family,” they may believe in Jesus– but following is a whole different thing.

  7. dawn says:

    #5: re:”check the basics:” That rocked. I’m having that cross-stitched to hang over the fireplace.

  8. bobbo, don't excite the dumb-ass Muslims says:

    Just breaking now about religious conflict in Niger from where we get 6% of our precious oil: Muslims just reached about 50% of the population compared to 30% Christian and 20% Indigenous. Being the majority now, all the peace loving muslims needed was an excuse. Seems they got it what with the evangelical missionaries for Christ going out and trying to convert them.

    I wonder what the overlap is in these various data points?

  9. Ralphie says:

    Is it much different than pushing Capitalism on China?

  10. Breetai says:

    Heh, Now that the shoes on the other foot Democrats don’t like the same tactics they’ve been using.

    Republicans = Demons
    Democrats = Devils

    Doesn’t matter how ya pick, they’re both Pure Evil. Get over yourselves.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    “The Family” has always had a creepy sexual component to their religion back from the days when they were called “The Children of God.”

    (Google it yourself, if you doubt me. It was no secret. Lots of cults have this.)

    I have to wonder if The Family used C Street as a blackmail operation on these Family Values Republicans.

    They encouraged them to confess their sins, as is common in “Promise Keepers,” but then used that information to manipulate the Republican leadership.

    You can call me a conspiracy nut but I then challenge you to come up with a more plausible theory to explain this total weirdness with the GOP, sex and a well-known cult.

    (And don’t tell me that these Senators didn’t know “The Family” is a cult. All you have to do is read the Wikipedia article on it.)

  12. Greg Allen says:

    >> # 1 cornholer said, on July 29th, 2009 at 8:10 am
    >> you mean like funding abortions all around the world?

    You’ll need to ice your brain after that stretch.

    Funding a legal medical procedure is nothing like “Family Values Republicans” secretly and illegally using tax dollars to do the work of a well-known freaky sex cult.

  13. deowll says:

    #9 China believes in Capitalism and why not? They are getting rich and turning into a super power. They own 800 million of our debt.

    It’s Congress and many Americans that doesn’t believe in Capitalism.

    That’s why the nation is in debt and getting deeper at record speeds with the center of the disease; California being the most bleeped state in the Union.

    Don’t worry Congress will fix the mess Congress made by making the mess worse.

  14. Somebody says:

    I don’t see it.

    Jesus was more of a “Golden Rule” and turn-the-other-cheek kind of guy.

    Anyone sick enough to equate Him with Hitler or Mao should probably be avoided socially.

  15. arpie says:


    You’re probably reacting to the comment above:

    “Their collective World view of Tyranny in the name of Jesus,Hitler,Mao and Bin Laden.”

    but it seems to me you’re interpreting it incorrectly. Read it over. That statement, as far as I can tell, says nothing about equating Jesus, Hitler, Mao or anyone else. The statement is talking about people who, in the name of a supposed leader, support Tyranny, the criticism is on these people regardless of the leader of philosophy they support.

  16. RS says:

    These guys should have all gone to jail, and America should not exist, if it is illegal for American government officials to promote their faith.


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