Associated Press – May 18, 2006:
Under their modest flowing robes, two-thirds of Saudi women are too fat. They can try dieting, but you won’t find many in aerobics classes or power-walking along this city’s walking trails. And very few of their daughters attend schools that have physical education classes.
There are no laws against women exercising outside their homes, but in this conservative society many are influenced by scholars and clerics who argue against it.
In Riyadh, hotel gyms and pools are off limits to women. Along the city’s walking trails, where the women walk covered in the mandatory black cloaks, they are sometimes harassed by the muttawa.
Rana al-Abdullah said one such official ordered her to go back to her car when she was out walking one day and wouldn’t leave her alone until she did. She now walks in malls.
Many Saudis say they are baffled by the religious arguments.
“Baffled”?! Not exactly the word that came to my mind!
Darn right! Women are property and meant only for makin’ babies!
lol! Religion is a funny thing sometimes.
I say we send Richard Simmons over there and let him handle it. If they give him any problems Richard can “bitch slap” ’em.
good thing we invaded Iraq so we don’t have troops in Saudi anymore.
This is sad. It is an example of the horrible treatment women recieve over there. It is a terrorist state for women, ruling by fear and abuse. If a woman even looks like she is flirting with a man her father or husband can put her in a “Woman’s room”. A Woman’s Room is a room without any windows or furniture and just a door with a slot to slide food under. It has a hole in the middle of the floor for bodily functions. They spend the rest of their life there.
This type of behavior is a terrorist state. It is sad that the men are so insecure that they have to terrorize women that way.
Or better yet, they can behead Richard Simmons. It’s all good.
When? Probably after the US invades them.
It worked in Iraq… kinda.
A number of women in the Gulf suffer from Vitamin D deficiency because they get so little exposure to sunlight.
Think about that…. they are so stuck indoors and so shrouded that they don’t see even the minimum sun for normal health.
I have no trouble with conservative notions of modesty, but that’s absurd.
And I just heard that some religious groups in some country want to prevent women from getting vaccinated against cervical cancer because they think it will encourage women to become promiscuous.
And the only reason Christians are complaining about it it’s because again, the muslims beat them into developing a new way to screw up women.
Bush did it!!!!!!
Maybe when the Saudi Arabian representative to the UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL goes to one of their meetings, then can go ahead and have a little talk…
#11 Sorry Angel you’re wong on that. Christians have been screwing up woman long before islam.
#12 Now you got it! Its always Bush’s fault.
I understand in Iraq many of the Iraqi men have a saying “Men are for fun. Woman are for breeding”. A bit homo for them to be so homophobic.
It’s Cheney I tell you, Cheney. Spelled backwards it’s Yenehc.
“And I just heard that some religious groups in some country want to prevent women from getting vaccinated against cervical cancer because they think it will encourage women to become promiscuous.”
Unfortunately, that was America.
It wasn’t a out-right “don’t let them have it” though (doctors wanted it mandatory, something i agree with), it was a “let me choose if my daughter gets it”, they still claimed it would cause promiscuity though.
Well, it beats having your clitoris cut off… oops, nevermind.
that is totally incorrect you are trying to tarnish our reputation and image im a saudi women and i go to gym daily i advise you to read history of your own country you will find that christian women were opressed all over the world and if you read about islam you will find that it called for womens right before all organizations we see today