• Amazon to buy Zappos for $800 million.
  • iPOD classic to be killed?
  • Win 7 ready to manufacture. New family Pack idea allows multiple installation.
  • Pew research says everyone is going wirelessly.
  • GTA IV pre-publicity beginning.
  • Apple shareholders meeting hints at app store redesign.
  • IBM in bed with Juniper Networks.
  • Robo-ethicists want to revamp fake laws? Cripes.

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  1. deowll says:

    If I had a pair of shoes I liked and needed to replace them I might purchase a replacement pair on line.

    Asimov kept his laws very simple because doing it some other way seemed to offer the opportunity for…mistakes.

  2. Improbus says:

    My shoes last forever. I haven’t bought shoes in years.

    Repeat after me: The three laws are a PLOT DEVICE. Because Asimov was an AUTHOR. Jeez.

  3. qb says:

    Apple had a great quarter. I guess those Microsoft “Laptop Hunter” ads take effect next quarter.

  4. Named says:

    3, qb

    Well, after selling all those iPhones and iPod Touch’s (that iPod Touch is impossible to pluralise properly in English) you guarantee a great quarter. Remember when Apple was a computer company? Waaaaaay back during the Apple //e days? Me too…

  5. qb says:

    #5 Mac computer sales were up 4%, margins were down. However Apple did the computer part from “Apple Computer” a few years ago.

    Actually Apple having a good quarter bodes well for the Windows rollout, especially other manufacturers (HP, Acer, Dell, etc).

    BTW, Apple has had the family pack for a while now which is good for 5 computers. e.g. Single Snow Leopard $29, Family Pack $49.

  6. Hugh Ripper says:

    No ‘3 Laws of Robots’? Theres just no robots to apply the laws too!

  7. Postman says:


    It is hard to over state that. I mean when you go to the Amazon best seller list and you see the top two most popular software products for the max are… Microsoft Office at #1 and VMWare Fusion in #2…

    Wait, what was the point of getting a mac again???

  8. qb says:


    I use a Mac so I can run VMWare Fusion on a stable OS. Only a sucker runs Windows directly on hardware. I currently have 6 different flavours of Windows on VM’s for different projects. When my working version of Windows goes to crap I just blow it off and spin up a new clean version.

    Pedro, please don’t ever use a Mac. If you did you it would raise the whining quotient of Mac users even higher.

  9. Postman says:


    VMWare Fusion hozing guest os file systems is a known problem with the OSX version of VMWare Fusion.

    But none the less, I just use Hyper-V and I never have any of the stability problems you are encountering.

    Maybe your os is not as stable as you think it is?

  10. Somebody_Else says:

    #5 “BTW, Apple has had the family pack for a while now which is good for 5 computers. e.g. Single Snow Leopard $29, Family Pack $49.”

    It all evens out. Most Windows users never “buy” Windows, it comes with their computer. The “hidden” cost to a consumer for getting Vista Home Premium on an OEM computer is something like $50-$100.

    The “hidden” cost for Apple products beyond the actual hardware value is generally several hundred dollars.

  11. qb says:

    It’s funny you mention that. I just watched a discussion thread among a bunch of Microsoft MVP’s I know struggle to get HyperV working for a customer SharePoint installation. After two weeks they just gave up and went back to VMWare.

    I personally have never had a problem with VMWare and corporations I know have had great luck with it. One installation I know has thousands of VMWare servers running and they love it. However, I’m sure there are problems with this product like there is with any product – I just have never seen it.

    somebody_said said “The “hidden” cost for Apple products beyond the actual hardware value is generally several hundred dollars.”

    What is the hidden cost you’re talking about? You lost me there. I didn’t see extra charges on credit card last I bought a Mac.

  12. qb says:

    #13 Postman

    You lost me again. What are you talking about….?

  13. qb says:

    #13 Now I get it. You’re referring to all the NPD Group news reports about June computer sales and Apple’s market share over $1000. Yup that $1500 Laptop Hunter really kicked it. 😉

  14. Postman says:


    That is an interesting spin on Apples overall computer sales decline…

  15. qb says:

    #16 You’re killing me. In other news, scientists say the Earth is round but skeptics disagree. 😀


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