1. chuck says:

    I prefer “European fit” – it sounds so much better than “husky”.

  2. Joe says:

    I thought he didn’t look right. Did everyone notice that Albert Pujols was standing on home plate and not in the catchers box.

  3. Bob3000 says:

    So a gay “stylist” didn’t like another man’s jeans – oh the horror.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Duh, Obama’s a nerd.

  5. Don Quixote says:

    Hey, he is black! His ass wasn’t hanging out, his underwear was worn as underwear. A role model I hope. He looked great. Let the fag designer’s make stupid complaints. It’s time we had a resurgence of common sense in clothing.

    Now if we could just get him to drive around showing how his car radio doesn’t annoy people with loud buzzers, life would be grand again.

  6. Angus says:

    It’s crazy to hear conservatives making fun of his pitch. It’s even more crazy to hear liberals AND the news media defending his throw.

  7. deowll says:

    It’s the people that blow a wad of money on labels that strike me as being idiots.

    His cloths looked comfortable and practical. Something the labels seem to miss.

  8. testtubebaby says:

    At least he has pants. I has no pants.

  9. Straight Conservative says:

    Is it not possible to find a “stylist” who is not a homosexual?

  10. fw says:

    And who cares about that? O_o

  11. HomerSimpian says:

    And many wonder why most level-headed, independent thinkers despise the ‘mainstream media’? This country is involved in wars, a runaway congress about to mortgage our future away, Supreme Court hearings that are a joke, and more…and CNN finds its valuable airtime to be worth stories about presidential fashion and baseball pitching capabilities?? Yikes! I wish the TV media to have as speedy of a death that the newsprint is having.

  12. smartalix says:

    “Now if we could just get him to drive around showing how his car radio doesn’t annoy people with loud buzzers, life would be grand again.”

    Your description is hilarious, I can picture the pencil-dicks in my minds eye as their car buzzes along. ONe point, though. The buzzing isn’t caused by some kind of automotive idiot buzzer, it is caused by the undamped body of the car vibrating to the overamped speaker output. Basically, a bad install.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Jeans, eh, whatever. Dockers jeans always look dumb. I wish he’d worn Nike shoes. American brand…

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Anyone making a big deal over something so inconsequential has way too much time on their hands.

  15. Rick's Cafe says:

    Yeah…at least he didn’t spend a $100,000 on his wardrobe!

  16. David says:

    Just ‘wow’ at the last few seconds of that report. This pathetic garbage is from CNN? What’s next — a report on Obama’s favorite brand of soda?

  17. SparkyOne says:

    product placement

  18. Mouring says:

    You know this reminds me of a quote in Mel Brook’s movie about clothing.

    “A man’s cuffs should be even with the tip of his peepee. Yours are all the way down to your balls!” – Bernaise

  19. WanKhairil says:

    Exceptional journalism at work.

    #3 agreed.

  20. MikeN says:

    The real scandal was that he was wearing a White Sox jacket. This was promoting one organization in favor of another, in violation of ethics guidelines for federal employees. Where are the people who filed complaints against Sarah Palin for wearing a John Deere jacket?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Whining Lyin’ Mike,

    And what are the White Sox selling to the masses?

  22. MikeN says:

    Wow, go to a game sometime.

  23. MikeN says:

    The real scandal is that he said ‘Cominsky Field’ to refer to the Comiskey Park. I thought the three pointer in Iraq meant we would be getting a real sports fan, not a fake one like John Kerry.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Lyin’ Mike,

    And once again you have us firmly convinced that “small things do amuse small minds.”

  25. Dallas says:

    Anything that keeps the Republicans occupied is fine with me.

  26. Rick Cain says:

    You think a president would test his pitching arm a couple of times before going out on the field. Vladimir Putin knows how to use a samurai sword and obama throws like a girl.


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